Wow, great photos in this thread!
I just got back from two months of work in the SW Pacific, so I have a ton of photos to share! Here is one from New Caledonia:
New Caledonia by Melissa.O.Anderson, on Flickr
Thank you for the kind words Rowbear and Apple Fanboy!
Here is a photo from an active volcano in Vanuatu. I wish that I had more of the lava fountain in the frame, but unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it), I was too close.
Did I mention that I love my job?
Yasur Volcano by Melissa.O.Anderson, on Flickr
Too close? Must be hot.
What you call a job, I call an paid hobby...
Oh yes, it got pretty hot. And the sulphur fumes were not very fun. Job, hobby... same thing to me! It's certainly not "work."
Schooner Virginia
Entrance to the Central Markets, Adelaide, South Australia.
A Barn Swallow with an attitude!
I like it.
How close did you get?
I'm definitely noticing the change in your shots John.
Not to diminish the efforts of the person behind the lens but your new gear appears to be working very well for you. The colour, contrasts, tones and clarity are quite remarkable and evident in this shot...among others.
A Barn Swallow:
A flyover that dwarfs a pub in Halifax: what were the town planners smoking when they decided this was a good idea?
Here's todays effort, taken last Saturday and tweaked in Nik's Silver Efex.