Some explanations seem to be in order re: my post on POTD a few days back
After Eddie lost the level
Levels are used by carpenters and masons , among others , to ensure things are either parallel to the ground or perpendicular to it , parts of the walkway obviously are neither .
O.K. who is Eddie ?
George and Maries eldest son ; worked in a shoe repair shop for a while but quit . Claimed it wasnt in his soul (sole) . His parents were heartbroken , but everyone else knew it wouldnt last ( Google shoemakers last)
No need for confusion ,the whole things just a giant play on words . Sadly , it seems that the English spoken by those MR viewers in the UK differs more than I thought from the degenerated version spoken by us bumpkins over the pond in Murica .
Particular apologies to those viewers whose language is other than English in any form .
Legal Disclaimer : Eddie , George , and Marie are fictitious characters . Any resemblance to any Irish band ; or to any person , living or dead ,especially those who can arrange for someone to kneecap me with a baseball bat , is purely coincidental and unintended .