Messing about with exposure. A habitual Aperture Priority shooter, finally accepting that full Manual is likely my destiny. - trying to dress up the reality which was "skulking round the woods messing about with the twiddly dials".
L1004650.jpg by
Ken OHagan, on Flickr
I've just bought a Manfrotto Compact Light tripod; I'm quite surprised in how sturdy it is. I usually take a Manfrotto Pixi mini one out with me as it fits in a coat pocket.
I used to be in the 'tripods are for wimps' camp but it pays to be prepared
Thats the starter for ten...
When you have bought enough of them to match outfits to them, yet you still moan about the cost of a Gitzo... you know you are stuffed...
Also, we have to admit it, they make a difference dont they? - don't get me wrong, my horizons are still off by a mile but usually have less motion blurring...
I schlepped one of my tripods in my checked luggage last week because I wanted to try some of the long exposures of the water to get that ethereal look. Apparently I still need a neutral density filter for this type of shot. The sun was already below the horizon, my settings were ISO 50 and f/22 and I still could not get a long enough exposure to get that really glassy look. Oh well. At least I tried.
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You want about a 2 minute exposure going by Mark0's images...
If you start buying filters... buy proper ones because removing colour casts from cheapos is tedious at best.
I usually have my MeFoto Roadtrip in the luggage or the Daytrip in backpack, then a selection of heavy "can't be bothered to carry 'em, should really ebay them" options back home.
The challenge then becomes the steps needed... find a spot, do the left a bit, right a bit dance... left eye, right eye, choose a focal length, juggle the lens swaps, open the tripod, level it, move it to the left a bit, level it... put the camera on, put the other lens back on... add the filter adapter, meter, focus, I need a pee, meter again, try to memorise the settings, filter holder on, slide in the grad filter to get the line where it was hidden, drop in the stopper... fumble with the smartphone, damn it forgot the cable release... I still need a pee... oh forget the settings, filter holder off, meter, filter holder back on trying not to hit the lens with the filters, change the settings for long exposure, press the cable release for the long exposure.... countdown, occupy myself for two minutes doing something that doesnt involve touching the camera... spotted a bit of dust on the mode dial... MUST...... NOT..... touch it.... DAMNIT! moved the camera, now have to wait another minute and 45 to do it all again this time not touching the camera! lol..... just me then? oh...