Cheers Ken. I thought along similar lines when I took the picture but wheat these days is short-stemmed to minimise waste straw production. By the time I'd got down low enough to get both above the crop-line, it just didn't look as good. Should have done some re-positioning of the weed in hindsight...
Is that why we dont get fields of high wheat we can run through now?
I had the benefit of talking to a farmer recently about their methods. I thought it was just random, seed, feed, water, harvest... but actually it is a very exact science of how they do their farming now. They adjust the mix of their feeds and fertilizers etc really accurately changing the mix every few metres to be specific to that patch of their fields. Combine harvesters are VERY complex beasts being controlled using GPS mapped data and actively changing to give the land TLC
I mean it is mind blowing how complex and scientific it is these days. I was mesmerised at this guy using satellite, weather, soil sampling and other data to maximise the yields. Incredible!
Probably a duh! moment everyone else but I was fascinated