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I read about a 500/xxmm lens equals the max long exposure time you can shoot before seeing movement. if you are using a crop sensor, you have to divide by that number after the first quotient. And there is also a 400/xxmm lens to really ensure you don't get any movement.

Also, I rented my lens for shooting the milky way shot i posted yesterday.
Aah! Thanks for that. After a bit of thought today as I was being driven around the countryside, I reckon I was incorrectly thinking about the moon and its rapid movement, not that of stars being so much further away!


More lakes. A river actually. Lemmenjoki NP
That is gorgeous! Print it LARGE, like A1 size, and hang it somewhere that you can admire the serenity!
I was going to post a photo of a turtle, but @Expobill already did. So, something else....


that is too funny because you have posted a subject i was going to post 5 times already, 2x Saturday.
well I'm leaving MacRumors, can't deal with the stupidity anymore, so I will see everyone photos on flickr!
everyone here on this thread was great!
Looking at some of these lovely photos, I feel as if I do not use my phone camera properly.
I need to do better...

The thing to do is to learn basic principles of photography, techniques which can be utilized regardless of the particular camera one has in hand. There are books, there are video tutorials online, and lots of information is available. Good shots come from good photographers, and the tool that they use is secondary, although of course a camera with a lot of sophisticated bells and whistles is going to enable the shooter to create some effects and certain results which aren't going to be possible with another type of camera (i.e., a high-end full-frame camera with a 35mm sensor and really good lens is going to offer much more than an inexpensive P&S or a pinhole camera). That said, it is interesting what kinds of results can come from a pinhole camera or a simple P&S even though the user has little control over the settings! iPhones are pretty sophisticated little devices and I have been surprised time and time again at the quality of images I've seen shot with one.....

In a nutshell, photography is about light. Capturing light, playing with light, creating interesting effects with light..... You can do that on an iPhone just as you can with a high-end camera with a $12,000 lens on it. iPhone is easier to carry around and for most of us is always with us, and as the old adage goes, you capture photos with the camera that is with you.... The image I shared yesterday is one that I shot with the iPhone while at the grocery store, and while it is certainly not a wall-hanger or something to be exhibited in galleries, nor was it meant to be, it was just a little something that caught my fancy so I pulled out the iPhone and fired away...... That's the value of cell phone cameras, that spontaneity, that ability to capture a scene because it interested me.

People here shoot with whatever they have, and there's no "right" or "wrong" camera or lens, no "rules" about using certain gear or specific techniques here. Jump right in, the water's fine!
Hmm, I am not suggesting that at all. I am merely suggesting I should do better, and learn the available functions and options on my device
Like with most art, you have to start with curiosity and study, and it then moves on to just doing it and having a critical eye of your work. You should hopefully have some fun, too.

And while it doesn’t apply completely, my Dad once said this about golf: “I can hit a bad shot with any club!” ;)
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