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Washington Square Park, New York City
HDR | D40 | 1/200 at ƒ/7.1 | 22 mm | ISO 200
Obligatory wintery picture.

We haven't had much cold weather the past few years, so everybody got
excited when the trees became white. I've never seen so much photographers
in our local forest.

canon 30d, 1/1250s f/1.8 ISO250 85mm
Heres another one of my wildlife shots. This here is a bobcat, rarely seen by humans apparently, so I guess I was lucky. It even posed for me :p

Washington Square Park, New York City
HDR | D40 | 1/200 at ƒ/7.1 | 22 mm | ISO 200

I've seen Washington Square in 2 movies recently, August Rush and I Am Legend... terrific movies, and a terrific shot of the Arch. I have never been there, so I wouldn't know that the inside looked like that. THANKS!
December means Christmas...

I just took this off my parents back deck, converted to HDR in Photomatix.


3 RAW, Exposure Bracketed, f7.1 @ 28mm
Yes, I just posted

Don't know how many College Bowl Game followers there are on here, but I was in Las Vegas last night at the Vegas Bowl for BYU vs UCLA. BYU was up 17-16 when they sucked it up and let UCLA get to well within field goal striking distance. For this I just planted my camera on the line and held down the shutter to see what happened... #55 on BYU jumped up high enough and swatted the ball just right to send the ball off course and give BYU the win. AMAZING ENDING.

Sadly, you can't see the ball, even at 5fps my 20D wasn't able to capture everything.

I've seen Washington Square in 2 movies recently, August Rush and I Am Legend... terrific movies, and a terrific shot of the Arch. I have never been there, so I wouldn't know that the inside looked like that. THANKS!
No problem wheezy, my pleasure. I saw I Am Legend as well; indeed a terrific movie.

Can you explain your vignetting technique?
The vignetting was done with the appropriate slider in Lightroom. If you don't have Lightroom, I'm sure there is a Photoshop action out there that you can download for vignetting images.

I'm not quite sure if you were asking what vignetting is, or how to apply it in post processing. I assumed it was the latter, but follow up on this post if I am wrong.
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