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macrumors 65832
Oct 25, 2006
Empire State Building

Walking around NYC, the Empire State Building was lit for Hanukkah and was brightly reflected in the buildings blocks away.


macrumors regular
Aug 25, 2008
Ooooooh, thank you... ;)

A snowy afternoon in Ambleside...


Ok, i've wanted to ask so many times but this shot is too much for me. How do you decide on your exposure settings? Trial and error, or experience from past trial and error? I've tried some photos similar and would have likely taken at least 15 that were trash at best. I know I don't think I would have gone all the way to f32 with the availible light. Do you normally take a range of attempts or basically bracket and vary the exposure settings quite a bit, or just a few fine adjustments relying on experience to decide the starting f/stop and shutter speed?
I"m stunned with every one of your photos, but this one is really stunning. I also am amazed at how little movement is from the person in the center at 6 seconds:eek:
And as always thanks for continuing to share your photos with us.


macrumors 68040
Dec 30, 2006
Wherever I hang my hat...
Ok, i've wanted to ask so many times but this shot is too much for me. How do you decide on your exposure settings? Trial and error, or experience from past trial and error? I've tried some photos similar and would have likely taken at least 15 that were trash at best. I know I don't think I would have gone all the way to f32 with the availible light. Do you normally take a range of attempts or basically bracket and vary the exposure settings quite a bit, or just a few fine adjustments relying on experience to decide the starting f/stop and shutter speed?
I"m stunned with every one of your photos, but this one is really stunning. I also am amazed at how little movement is from the person in the center at 6 seconds:eek:
And as always thanks for continuing to share your photos with us.

I try to keep things simple... with as few variables as possible. With camera tripod-mounted, and composition ‘locked’, I stick to 100 ISO and aperture between f8 and f13 (usually f11). That leaves the shutter speed as the only variable. The shot of Ambleside is what some people would call a ‘night’ shot, but it was actually taken in late afternoon, as the light was fading.

There are a few minutes each day, when the ambient light and artificial lights are ‘in balance’, so I try to be in my chosen location in good time. I keep shooting as the light fades, which, typically, will mean shutter speeds going from, say half a second to 10 seconds (after that it’ll be too dark).

So I treat a picture like this as an event to cover... rather than a moment to capture. As the sky gets darker, the street lights seem to get brighter by comparison. The ambient light is cold and blue (mostly due to the snowy conditions) while the artificial light is warm. When the two light sources are in balance, there is a richness and depth to the ambient light, and the artificial lights aren’t blown out.

If night shots are taken a couple of hours later, the scene won’t change. The sky will be black and the street lights blown: too bright, too much contrast, too many deep shadows. By shooting at twilight, you can bring all the different sources of lighting into a range where they can be captured by the camera. So I’m trying to work with the camera’s limitations... not against them.

All this is easier to do than to describe. I look at the scene in front of me, not the camera (I can change the shutter speeds with one finger). I get home with a collection of pix to look through. They look like a kind of time-lapse film, so I can watch again the ambient light fading and the artificial lights seeming to grow brighter and warmer. One pic will usually stand out... but the white balance will still need tweaking. With so many difference light sources (and range of colour ‘temperature’) it’s impossible to get them all looking accurate. The result is a compromise... what looks best on my monitor...


macrumors 6502
Sep 29, 2009
Breaching Whale

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE from this part of the world newfoundland:D


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macrumors 65816
Jul 24, 2008
Mind if I post a few? Havn't posted in a while but got round to processing a few photos tonight.

**All clickable to my flickr account**
Or visit my websites photography section

First day of snow - 19/12/09

Tree Deco

Christmas eve in my village!

Christmas eve in my village!

Xmas Eve - had a go with the lights thing! :p

Appreciate any comments!


macrumors 68030
Jun 20, 2005
Nice Buck!

Taken in Iron Bridge, Ontario. The deer 'yard' there for the winter. This guy still has his antlers on. There was 7 deer just standing there, eating away while I snapped pics.

I set the camera on auto b/c I was afraid they would bugger off before I could snap enough pics.




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macrumors 68030
Jun 20, 2005
doe a deer a female deer

Iron Bridge, ON

curious doe checking me out. very interesting as it's usually the bucks who are cautious and the does who are aloof with activity.


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macrumors regular
Aug 25, 2008
Doylem, thank you so much for the response. Answered several of my follow up questions as well. I think my main issue is using to many variables, unsure what I want from the camera I have a tendency to adjust to much to often.

As far as white balance do you then shoot on auto and adjust to 'taste' on the computer? Do you try and take a test shot to normalize the shots in post processing? I guess I wonder because every one of your shots the colors are always so rich, deep and true.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 26, 2009
Taken through a dirty windshield in Phoenix.....

In February! :D


Using an old Nikon Coolpix 2.1MP with a ton of shutter lag...

It took quick reactions to get this shot as we were moving one way and the funnest looking motorcycle dude was moving the other.

Brrrr! Think warm thoughts,



macrumors regular
May 31, 2006
This is my first time posting in a POTD thread, and I think I would like to keep doing so as much as possible. I love going through all these great photos.

Here is a photo of my uncle and his grandson from last night (Christmas Eve). I think overall, it is my most favorite photo from the entire night. I have trouble taking photos of people most of the time, and last night it was really challenging inside the house. I refused to use my flash, and I had the ISO bumped up to my 450D's max of 1600 so there was quite a bit of noticeable noise. I was shooting in manual mode and was using my 50mm ƒ/1.4.

I am not sure if POTD threads are the place for it, but critique is welcome.



macrumors 6502a
Nov 8, 2007
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
No Photos today.

No photos today. Spent the day with my son who cooks for the crew and clients at the local palliative care hospice centre.

I just wanted to say Merry Christmas to all of you on Photo of the Day. I learn so much for all of you.

Here's hoping you all had a great day!



macrumors 6502a
Jan 1, 2009
the cold dark north
the night AFTER xmas

took a panorama of the skyline of the city where my parents in law live.
I love the 5d mk2. 3Shots exposed 5sec each, f8
comments are welcome..
PS: this is only 20% of the original image which now is 38mpix big.


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macrumors regular
Apr 25, 2009
Nice shot flossr... what did you use to stitch them together?

Here is a panorama of cape town I did, probably about 8 pictures done in a portrait orientation - the final file was huge!


iCheese - I like it, the only thing I personally could criticise is the blown out light in the right of the picture. Of course if you are set on using available light and want to expose the rest of the picture properly you don't have much choice - but could maybe have positioned so that was out of the frame or cropped it out later.

Out of interest, have you ever tried bounced flash? Can give a very natural look if that is what you are after.

But yeah, nice pic imo

LER - love some of those village shots. Very atmospheric!


macrumors 65816
Mar 10, 2008
phased to this universe
Portrait sequence

Needless to say, our three-year-old was excited with all the visiting leading up to Christmas. This sequence is a selection of three images from about 15 shots, trying to get the little guy to settle in. We almost got there with the "sugar rush" cheese in the last of the sequence. The middle picture of my daughter says it all.


macrumors newbie
Oct 29, 2008
First real attempt with a DSLR after getting one yesterday, please critique...


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macrumors regular
May 31, 2006
iCheese - I like it, the only thing I personally could criticise is the blown out light in the right of the picture. Of course if you are set on using available light and want to expose the rest of the picture properly you don't have much choice - but could maybe have positioned so that was out of the frame or cropped it out later.

Out of interest, have you ever tried bounced flash? Can give a very natural look if that is what you are after.

But yeah, nice pic imo

Thanks. Yes, I agree I could have taken it from a different angle, and I think the background is kind of busy, but overall I really like that picture. I haven't tried any serious flash photography yet, because I am still stuck with just the internal flash on my Canon. I am thinking about buying an external flash sometime.

I love the panoramic shots!!!

Here is a picture I took later on that same night. It is an alley near the Harbor Steps in downtown Seattle. I enjoy the lighting in this one. It also makes me glad that I have finally started shooting in manual mode. Makes changing the exposure compensation much quicker I think.

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