my settings were horribly wrong for this, and i am still getting to know this camera, but with film (which this is not) heart is loving the imperfect photos lately.
Some of the 4x5s I'm copying I've never printed. This is one of those. Over compensated for high contrast when I developed it, so it would have been a bit muddy looking even using a grade 4 paper.
I probably had the location mislabeled but I am 95% sure it is the Gold Camp road that runs from Colorado Springs to Victor, CO. Was (mis?)labeled as Jones Pass. There is even a slight possibility that it is the back side of Cottonwood Pass.
Anyways a lot of digital magic involved to get an OK image.
Lens and settings unknown. Most likely Schneider 180mm Symmar-S (normal)
My brother from another mother (Tucson Rock and Fossil show few years back) Someone kept calling me someone else and I finally met who they were talking about (me on left). My almost twin LOL