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macrumors 68040
Dec 30, 2006
Wherever I hang my hat...
Spontaneous Valentine's card... ;)



macrumors 6502
Sep 13, 2004
Austin, TX
Why are you shooting at f22? Try shooting at f11 or something. And I assume you're using the kit lens? If you are don't shoot at the ends of your zoom. Zoom lenses perform their best in the middle of their ranges. Shoot somewhere at 30mm-35mm. And if you didn't already shoot at ISO 100 and use a tripod.
Good tips. Thanks. Yes, I have the kit lens and the ISO was at 800 because I need better lights for the light box. I'll lower the ISO and increase shutter. I'm using a tripod so longer exposures shouldn't be an issue.

I used f/22 because I wanted to keep the entire belt in focus. Too much of a good thing?

But i'd take another look and take that image again, sharp and noise free.
thr33face, will terriyaki's suggestions help achieve that? What other tips for reducing noise and improving sharpness can you share?

I'd like to improve my camera skills and rely less on Photoshop post-processing to fix problems.

Y'all rock.


macrumors 68040
Dec 30, 2006
Wherever I hang my hat...
I'd like to improve my camera skills and rely less on Photoshop post-processing to fix problems

If you're shooting with a tripod, there's no reason why your pix shouldn't be pin-sharp. Stick to f11(ish) to get the best out of your lens, with whatever shutter speed is required. That is: it's the quality of the light that counts, rather than the quantity. If your exposure needs to be half a second, that's OK. And bring the ISO right down to the minimum; the pic you posted was either soft, or noisy or slightly out of focus (or maybe all three ;))

A table-top still life is a very controllable situation, with nothing moving... so these should be the sharpest pix you ever take (and require next-to-no PP)...


macrumors member
Jun 30, 2006
raleigh, nc
camera: canon rebel xt
lens: canon ef 85mm f/1.8 usm
focal length: 85mm
aperture: f/2.8
shutter: 1/100
iso: 200
filter: none
location: wake forest, nc

will you be my valentine?


macrumors 6502
Sep 13, 2004
Austin, TX
Little Bear

It took a couple of hours and over 300 shots to get some images of one of my dogs that I was happy with. Here's the one that I think is my favorite.

The question: is it a portrait or a snapshot?


Rebel XT w/kit lens
Program mode
Shutter: 1/60
Aperture: f/7.1
Focal length: 49mm
ISO: 100

The leaves on the grass are a bit distracting, but I guess I could try PS-ing them out. But aside from the leaves, how's the photo?

As always, suggestions for improvement welcome.


macrumors 68040
Dec 30, 2006
Wherever I hang my hat...
It took a couple of hours and over 300 shots to get some images of one of my dogs that I was happy with. Here's the one that I think is my favorite.

Two hours? And that was just brushing him... ;)

Nice shot. Portrait or snapshot? I don't know either (but I guess the hair is what draws the eye, as much as, say, contact with the dog's eyes). You mention the leaves at the back... Well, I'd be tempted to go for a tighter crop that just included the dog and his 'mane'. You can't be distracted by the background if you can't see it...


macrumors 6502
Jan 1, 2007

I hate Valentine's Day this year.

Pentax *ist Ds

used flash and two flourescent lights to balance the lighting. There were some white balance issues but with it in grayscale, you don't notice much :)

I don't want to be single. And I don't want to be single with the girl featured in the background. (It's a Rasterbater'd image of her I have hanging on the wall...she's gone out shooting with me several times, cool gal..) And because I'm still single, I don't have any flowers to give anyone, so this plastic black rose will have to suffice.


macrumors regular
Just received my Nikon D40 in the mail and have been messing about with some things around the house. These are some flowers my wife gave me for Valentines day. I got her chocolates, funny thing is she doesn't like for me to get flowers for her... Eh, who am I to complain?


Anyway, suggestions/comments/criticisms are welcome...

Camera: Nikon D40
Aperture: f/5.0
Shutter: 1/60
ISO: 200
Focal Length: 112mm
Lens: 55-200mm
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