Sands of Luce, SW Scotland.
This is a 8 minute black and white film exposure of the old disused targets on the Luce Bay bombing range. It was an image made in 2015 and I'd been waiting to tick off my list for around 5 years prior to that.
Calculating the exposure for this image is one of the most difficult I've ever faced. I wanted the sky to be smoothed out so that it did not detract from the texture and contrast of light on the targets and ripples in the sand. Due to the clouds moving slowly during daylight, the scene required a long exposure using my Lee Big Stopper 10 stop filter. When combined with the fact that film loses it's sensitivity to light the longer it is exposed (reciprocity failure) - I had to get my calculations just right to achieve the effect and tonal range I was after. I worked out that an exposure of around 8 minutes should give me the lighter tones to contrast with the targets for the specific 'look' to the image. Combined with a flowing leading line into the scene, I am very pleased with how it turned out. One of my favourites.
Fuji GX617 Professional with Fujinon SWD 90mm EBC lens.
8minutes / f45 / Ilford Delta 100 / Lee Big Stopper & Lee ND 0.6 Neutral Density hard graduated filter.