Very nice!
My first attempts with the 10-stop ND filter.
Comments & Critique?
IMG_2546.jpg by Puckman2012, on Flickr
Whilst others have mentioned composition (which I in part agree with) I think its the contrast of the image that is something that can be improved.
I dont know how much PP you like to do but the photo comes across as very grey to me. This may be a realistic representation of the scene as you saw it but it doesnt seem to have many blacks and whites.
If you use LR a great technique for pushing the tonal range is to hold ALT as you drag the blacks/white or shadows/highlights. When you start to see black or white colours coming in this is showing you were the image is turning pure white or black and therefore you are starting to lose detail.
It differs from image to image but I tend to clip/crush and then pull it back slightly so I know there is nothing 100% white/black in my pictures unless its a stylistic choice.
Here is another one from last week!
As always, comments appreciated!

Kath by acearchie, on Flickr