I hesitate to comment on other photos because I am not qualified to criticise, but maybe a little colour would help if not originally shot in B&W?
Barn In The Mist by Hugh Russell, on Flickr
Was fortunate enough to spend the holidays in Panama with my wife's family to celebrate mother-in-law turning 85 this past year. Most of the pictures were of family of course but I did manage to get in some other interesting shots. You all will just have to suffer through a couple of them over the next few days.
Festive door in the Cosco Antiguo section of Panama City.
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a test run for a Stranger Things themed party in late Feb2017
Concept is to construct a Demogorgon and place it behind plastic wrap sheets.
Funny thing is that as I did not have any gels in hand, I used a green screen fabric & a yellow lego bag, white-balanced to the green and readjusted in PS, to ineffectively emulate the amber & teal cinematic colors.
Demorgorgon shown is a hand held 5-lamp fluo head
My friend's face is beyond ridiculous
edit: for some reason, image appears small. click on it to enjoy it in all its glory
[doublepost=1484211647][/doublepost]Lone Tree
Perthshire, Scotland.
This was 10 years from vision to reality in order to get the shot. It's one of my favourites.
Fuji GX617 with Fujinon 180mm f6.7 EBC on Ilford FP4 125 film.
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Thank you very much for the compliment (and I'm so glad nobody can see the edge of the house that I cloned out). Your colour effort looks much better to my eyes@Hughmac: Here it is in color. One of those shots that I actually spent some time composing, making minor adjustments to the composition: to not have the right side of the house cut off by the doorframe, excluding the left side of the house as I didn't want a line there, excluding more of the interior of the shed on the right as I found it distracting.
It was a fun exercise, but at the end of the day I was not seeing the forest for the trees. Or put another way, I was rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. The elements don't come together in an interesting way and it fails the "why should I find this interesting" test. It doesn't have a clear visual message. Meh, not the worst pic that I've posted here, but not my best.
As opposed to your "Barn in the Mist" shot which is lovely. Clear and recognizable subject. Nice mood conveyed by the mist. No distracting elements. Foreground, subject, and background all complement each other and strengthen the image. Very well done
This one is super tooThe snow melted after some rain today. Shot this tonight with the same 18mm Batis lens, this time at f/8 to bring more of the doorframe into focus. Without the snow, there is something in the foreground to look at which helps to orient the viewer. Happier with this pic as I think it works better visually. But again, have this suspicion I am just rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic
Walking down Oxford Street.
WOW ... I haven't been to London in years ... would ya' look at those space-age double-deckers.
WOW ... I haven't been to London in years ... would ya' look at those space-age double-deckers.
EDIT: After spending some time looking at your photo I'm wondering what you chose as your focal point, and did you try other focal points in previous or subsequent shots from where you were standing?
your sensor is flaky..!
In your boots, as it's snowy, I would have tried clone-stamping that cable.
And what about all that dust on your sensor?