whoa, 2 months since i posted something.... here we go...
I'm no photo genius, but that shot is incredible... Looks like one that would be on the front page of a water park's website.
Ewe should be ashamed.
Well, figured I'd try this out, not sure if it'll work right. Feel free to critique it. It was taken with a cheap kodak point&shoot digital. Planning on getting some Nikon hardware when I can afford it better.
... It was taken with a cheap kodak point&shoot digital. Planning on getting some Nikon hardware when I can afford it better. ...
My friend got married today. One of the brides maids. Comments and crit appreciated.
You have some dust on the sensor just to let you know.
@oblomow: jealous at your cloudsthe weather in Italy gives steel blue skies as here in Siena over the Duomo