Nice separation. I’d be inclined to go in tighter if possible and move the subject to the left. Then clone out the remaining part of that white petal on the right.
Question why do I get carpet beetles in the house but have no carpets?
Good advice, thanks. I usually do crop pics for a tighter angle, i'm not really sure why I didnt crop this one ?
The funny thing is here, I hadn't actually noticed the white petal on the right, I only spotted it after you mentioned it, I think was too immersed in the beetle to notice anything else. It really is a great looking insect and just like the Leafhopper's I posted recently, they have incredible markings which most people never see. Makes me wonder why they need such markings, what they're for, they seem too extravagant to be just camouflage - besides, it doesnt really work against a white floweer. I bet Chris Packham could answer that!
Carpet Beetles don't actually eat carpet - well, not synthetic carpet anyway (they will eat wool carpet) but they will eat almost anything else, any natural fibres, if you have them in your house you can get rid of them with a vacuum. They are easy to get rid of but they are very small and unlikely to be noticed until you see holes in your beautiful leather sofa.
The last photo of the cidada. Once she fell, she ran for shelter. She stopped here for the night, and we went to bed!
And a great series, too. Thanks for sharing. Brilliant insight into a not too often seen phenomena. Three cheers for your wife too for going anywhere near it, my wife would've run a mile.