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macrumors 601
Feb 24, 2008
Over there------->
Some green for St. Paddy's Day


We had some rain here, turning my little neighborhood into a giant paradise for anyone with a macro lens.


macrumors 68020
Aug 25, 2006
Oregon coast

I just love the expression on the little girl's face, and the natural candid quality of this image...

This is a keeper portrait. The boy looks a bit mischievous, and the dog looks like you could reach out and ruffle his fur. Lovely texture and personality here.

Also, Phrasikleia, I'm really enjoying your experiments with the new macro. Love the first two flower shots, both have different appeal, the lily is just almost ethereal and very feminine in quality and the marygolds are full of optimism and cheer... or 'emotional composition,' to quote a talented photographer I won't mention...;)


macrumors 6502
Nov 16, 2004
From last week:

Thanks for your great feedback TheSpaz and pdxflint. A boy and his dog is a hard story to pass up.

From a family gathering I covered last week:



macrumors 68020
Aug 25, 2006
Oregon coast
Nice.. what kind of scanner?


Nikon Coolscan V ED. I've also got an older Coolscan III (SCSI) which runs on an old B/W G3 300mhz Mac tower with a SCSI card. Not as good on the resolution or bit-depth, but still a very serviceable scanner, too. The main problem with the Nikon's is that the software they provide isn't really updated for current Macs, and I'm looking into third-party scanning software now that I'm using a MBP instead of a Thinkpad.

Thanks for your great feedback TheSpaz and pdxflint. A boy and his dog is a hard story to pass up.

From a family gathering I covered last week:


You've got gorgeous technique on your portraits. Obviously you have great equipment/glass, but the post-processing is very flattering to your subject with it's softness. Only suggestion: maybe slightly lighten up the hair to bring out a tad more detail, otherwise it's perfect!


macrumors 601
Feb 24, 2008
Over there------->
Also, Phrasikleia, I'm really enjoying your experiments with the new macro. Love the first two flower shots, both have different appeal, the lily is just almost ethereal and very feminine in quality and the marygolds are full of optimism and cheer... or 'emotional composition,' to quote a talented photographer I won't mention...;)

Thanks, pdxflint. I'm finding that photographing flowers is a thrilling challenge. They are such beautiful subjects, but like sculpture, their expression seems to change a lot from one vantage point to the next. And it doesn't help that the darn things move in the wind, especially when DOF is down to millimeters. So I'm taking a lot of shots and trying to get the hang of it.

By the way, that's a great shot you posted of the old gas station. I really like the colors and lighting (and I just happen to be partial to old buildings like that).

I'm still trying to get this down, what aperture are you shooting at/with?

I'm trying to get it down too. I've had this macro lens less than a week. Here are the settings I used on that shot of the spider web:

ISO 400

...for what it's worth. I think I also had a CPL filter on.


macrumors 6502
Oct 22, 2008
I'm back from my hiatus. Relatively simple shot in a quickly-thrown together softbox. I need to use cloth instead of paper though--those crinkles can be finicky.


Canon Rebel XT
ISO 200

All natural light, since I didn't want to lug around any lights. Overcast day made for already-diffused light, which was nice. The lens itself is a dream--I can finally shoot wide open and get great sharpness! :)


macrumors 601
Feb 24, 2008
Over there------->
Nice, it looks very surreal. Love the water droplets. I hope you have a raincoat for your gear.

Thanks, MaddMacs. Nope, no raincoat for the gear. I had to abort my first outing because it was still drizzling. I then waited an hour or so and caught a little break in the weather--just long enough to have some fun with the camera.

This was my shot from last night:

I love the contrast of warm and cool colors. Great shot.
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