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macrumors 603
Aug 1, 2008
Vancouver, BC
Very nice cityscape. The ambient and artificial lighting are well balanced. I especially like the light hitting the water at the right and wonder what a composition that includes more of it might look like. However, as you've framed it, I'd probably crop in at the top and on one of the two sides in order to get that horizon further away from the center. There's a lot of sky in the frame, somewhat bifurcating the image and making the city more distant than it needs to be. I realize that such a crop will sacrifice either the hills or the water, but I think it would make for a stronger composition. I'd probably preserve the right side to keep some space at the right of that foreground road (which makes a nice entry into the frame).

Thank you very much. :)

I did try several compositions and a few crops out of the 60 or so images I took. Some constraints that you don't see in this picture that limited composition were trees to the right and a street lamp post just out of the frame on the left. I did move here and there up and down and around to try different angles. I'll post a couple of different shots over the next day or two from this shoot. I may also revisit this location again when the light is right to see what else can be captured from here. You've given me some things to consider for sure! :)


macrumors 68020
Aug 25, 2006
Oregon coast
The most amazing sunset this evening...

Really beautiful shot. Nice exposure. Actually, as I look at it, I'd probably crop very little at all, but if anything I'd take a sliver from the left and top, as Phrasikleia suggested, although I'm not as keen on losing too much sky. To me, the horizon is helped by the line of very low clouds below the building tops, which act as a virtual horizon to the eye, raising it slightly above the centerline at quick glance. Also, since the sky has a continuous gradiant getting darker near the top it looks natural to let it rise up a bit. From the perspective of where you were standing, it would be a big sky with the glittering city down below, and that effect is well captured in your image. I do find myself wanting a bit more of the reflection in the water, perhaps... but all in all, it's a gorgeous shot! Well done.


macrumors 6502
Sep 29, 2009
Newfoundland Shore,Caplin

this is what happens when they lay their eggs, females are the best ones to eat.


  • DSC02247.jpg
    598.3 KB · Views: 107


macrumors 6502
Jun 10, 2008
London UK
Flowers at Borough Market, London

Model: Canon EOS 1000D
ISO: 800
Exposure: 1/160 sec
Aperture: 6.3
Focal Length: 173mm
Flash Used: No


macrumors regular
Jun 11, 2007
First Post - Fooling Around at Home with Color

Camera: Canon Xsi
Lens: EF85mm f/1.8 USM
ISO 400


  • IMG_5201.jpg
    1 MB · Views: 91


macrumors 6502a
Aug 5, 2009
After she got caught attacking the lawn sprinklers....again.

My chocolate lab and boxer both do this. It is the funniest thing watching them trying to strike at the sprinkler and getting mad because water goes in their nose. lol!!!!!

What kind of dog is that by the way?


macrumors 603
Aug 1, 2008
Vancouver, BC
I especially like the light hitting the water at the right and wonder what a composition that includes more of it might look like.

I do find myself wanting a bit more of the reflection in the water, perhaps...

By popular demand... (due to obstacles at my shooting location an image combining both the city scape and the water were not possible, but here is one of the water between the trees from last evening's shoot)


EXIF: 2s @ f11, 160mm on 70-300 lens, T1i


macrumors regular
Nov 27, 2007
My chocolate lab and boxer both do this. It is the funniest thing watching them trying to strike at the sprinkler and getting mad because water goes in their nose. lol!!!!!

What kind of dog is that by the way?
We got her at the pound, best gess is Basset/ Pit mix. And she attacks the sprinklers, the vacum and various other dangerous items around the house.

I just love, love, love this shot! Great looking dog full of personality!
Thanks a lot for the compliment!


macrumors 68030
Apr 10, 2009
Manchester, UK
It might have been. He said he took it out and shot it! :( :)

Yes, I was quite impressed with my photoshopping out the blood... ;)

Nawh, it's just very difficult to get a photo of the dog since he rarely stops moving long enough to get the right angle/lighting, so when he lay down in the grass and started rolling around in the sun I thought it would be the perfect opportunity :)

Lovely dog by the way! :)

Nice dog!

Thank you both!


macrumors 68020
Nov 30, 2004
Nawh, it's just very difficult to get a photo of the dog since he rarely stops moving long enough to get the right angle/lighting, so when he lay down in the grass and started rolling around in the sun I thought it would be the perfect opportunity :)

I know the feeling, I've got a cat like that. One day I'll post a photo when I get a picture that's not all blurry!


macrumors 6502a
Nov 8, 2007
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
I post dead things


Stepped on the back deck a couple of days ago and was shocked to see this grouse, dead, in my backyard. So I took a photo. I figure he died of natural causes, like an owl perhaps? Often these birds will dive into deep soft snow to bury themselves for the night. Unfortunately the snow was neither deep nor soft.

O: Oh yes, the, uh, the Norwegian Blue...What's,uh...What's wrong with it?

C: I'll tell you what's wrong with it, my lad. 'E's dead, that's what's wrong with it!

O: No, no, 'e's uh,...he's resting.
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