Continuing with the Joshua Tree road trip:
A rusted out shell of an old car sits on the desert floor, near the Wall Street Mill and gold mine. Had to make the best of rather horrid lighting (it was midday, or thereabouts, no clouds, harsh shadows) but ended up fairly pleased with the end result.
[url=]Image[/url]Abandoned Rusty Truck - Joshua Tree NP (Edit 2) by Puckman2012, on Flickr
I worked on several photos I took a little over year ago and played with converting to B&W. Heres one of Halfdome at Yosemite NP
Thank you Peter. High praise from a gifted photographer! Awaiting your next wildlife series.This is beautifully composed Florian. You also nailed the exposure...not an easy thing to do given the wide range of lighting in the valley. Well done!
~ Peter
Hanoi... I wonder how they trouble-shoot electrical problems?!
5DM38742 by Chris-VirtualRain, on Flickr
Looks great to me with all the earthy/rusty colours and textures. Here's something in a little better condition (unfortunately not my car).
[url=]Image[/url]Naples Beauty by another_scotsman, on Flickr