Thanks, MacRy!
Hummingbird (3707) by MCH-1138, on Flickr
D7000 Nikon 85mm f/1.8G 1/250 @ f/6.3 2 Speedlights
An eight minute long exposure. I won't be doing that again, way too noisy...
Have you tried shooting multiple long-exposure shots and using noise averaging techniques to get rid of the noise? It frequently works very well.
I love the motion and colors.
Another zoo shot. Hope your enjoying these as I have plenty more to come.
Warning OT
was very bored at the office today, and it's also a major nameday here in Greece (Constantine)
A few things.
Yes you must have been very bored.
You own to many Star Wars Lego toys for a grown man.
I can see the string!
yes, I was
Yes, I do
Yes, you can
Top tip. Magicians use blue lighting to hide the string!
and green underwear!!
will be reshooting this as of tomorrow, with better lighting, scripting, better & more complicated shots and post production.
regarding the string, come to think of it, it might be fun to make it disappear. Darth will be hanging by a Wrecking Force