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macrumors 6502
Feb 2, 2005
United Kingdom
Taken in Hong Kong with Nikon D90.
Great shot cutsman - I love the lighting.

Here's mine for today:


D40, 55mm, 1/400s, f/5.6, ISO 200


macrumors 601
Feb 24, 2008
Over there------->
So who here has formal training in Photography?

[raises hand]...while I was in design school at California College of the Arts, but my coursework did not include any technical instruction (it was mostly theory and history as far as photography was concerned), so I've been working out the technical side of things on my own over the last couple of years. I'm a babe in the woods in that regard. :eek:


macrumors 6502
Jul 3, 2008
I assure you there was no intent to threaten you.

Well I kind of agree for the most part - and I guess I should reiterate that I'm not trying to say that criticism should be verboten, I'm just saying that for awhile now I've perceived an irrational backlash from some people against all HDR, just in my frequent, regular participation in photography websites for the past few years I've been doing this regularly.

How thankful I am to be done with college and all its assorted unpleasantness. I studied finance and I'd rather drill a hole through the side of my head than go through that again.

I have noticed this too.

crits are great, just make them constructive and not talking down to someone. and that's what I've been noticing from some posts here.


macrumors 68000
Sep 13, 2007
Cedar Park, TX
I'm in the processes of earning my undergrad degree in Photography from the Savannah College of Art and Design.

As for the photo, that's really excellent. I love the reflected pink/red from the seamless. Is this part of a series?

Many thanks. I actually attend Massachusetts College of Art and Design (Architecture undergrad major... Gave photo serious thought nonetheless). SCAD is a great school, but I like New England, and I'll save my money for grad at RISD or MIT. :p

i will be doing a Digital Media Arts Program starting this january , it's not all Photography, but I think i will be taking photography classes 4 hours a week as part of the program, I am pretty excited about it..

I'm going to start in the Photographic Imaging program at The Art Institute in Arlington, VA. Art schools FTW!!!! minus the cost :eek:


macrumors member
Oct 23, 2008
Dalton, Oh
here is my photo for today... not the best lighting, I just snapped it driving through the parking lot. I'm intrigued of the story behind why that bike was just sitting there. As a rider myself It just sparked my curiosity.



macrumors 6502
Jan 16, 2008
Flagstaff, Az
The King & Hamlet


A bit of a change of pace for me, I was asked to shoot a local performance of Hamlet. Its a little soft, but I think it works in its own context. I had a bit of trouble in the low light, with actor movement blur. I tried to keep the noise down with a low ISO, but maybe too low for my lens. K200D, sigma 18-50 EX DC @ f2.8, 50mm .3sec


macrumors 68020
Nov 23, 2007
How did you get the curve angle? did you post process it to achieve that effect? I know the cloud is processed :D <--- referring to the Vegas pic


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005

Here is mine for the day.
Bill's casino in Vegas.
This is amazing, I simply love it!
But sorry dude ... Sam's Town FTW!

here is my photo for today... not the best lighting, I just snapped it driving through the parking lot. I'm intrigued of the story behind why that bike was just sitting there. As a rider myself It just sparked my curiosity.

That's a stellar bike. Rode a 650 when the old ball and chain was away. It was enough for this gal to handle.


macrumors 68020
Aug 25, 2006
Oregon coast

A bit of a change of pace for me, I was asked to shoot a local performance of Hamlet. Its a little soft, but I think it works in its own context. I had a bit of trouble in the low light, with actor movement blur. I tried to keep the noise down with a low ISO, but maybe too low for my lens. K200D, sigma 18-50 EX DC @ f2.8, 50mm .3sec

What ISO did you use? Personally, I'd recommend in situations like this to sacrifice noise to get sharpness. I've seen many very memorable photos that were grainy as hell, but still sharp. It doesn't have to be that noise is to be avoided at all costs - it's just one side-effect in trade for a benefit, and when you need that benefit for the picture to work, make the trade. Also, noise can be slightly smoothed in PP, but blurriness can't be undone.


macrumors 6502
Jan 16, 2008
Flagstaff, Az
Hamlet Dagger


I used ISO 200, which worked better during the photo call, but during the actual show the lights were considerably darker, as Hamlet should be, and the actors were moving. I still got 200 shots that were acceptable, out of 400, but only a hand full of "money shots" that were worthy of printing.


macrumors 601
Feb 27, 2005

I used ISO 200, which worked better during the photo call, but during the actual show the lights were considerably darker, as Hamlet should be, and the actors were moving. I still got 200 shots that were acceptable, out of 400, but only a hand full of "money shots" that were worthy of printing.
I too would suggest bumping the ISO way up, 400 at minimum, but doesn't be hesitant of pushing it upwards of 1000... Most clients would rather a noisy shot over a blurry or underexposed one.

Here's one from last year, with rather "poor" lighting. To get the shot, I had no choice but to shoot with a high ISO, yet, the result was perfectly acceptable...:




macrumors 6502a
Feb 7, 2003
I too would suggest bumping the ISO way up, 400 at minimum, but doesn't be hesitant of pushing it upwards of 1000... Most clients would rather a noisy shot over a blurry or underexposed one.

Agreed. You can always fix the noise in Noise Ninja, but you can't fix motion blur in PP.


macrumors 6502
Jan 22, 2008
You have a little bit of ghosting on the top of that Vegas shot. And the person walking on the left.

Other than that, nice image!
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