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More seaside I'm afraid.

The eye of an African Grey Parrot, taken today at the Adelaide Zoo through fine metal aviary wire.



Excellent shot Alex. It might be a soldier beetle.

~ Peter

Thanks Peter, it appears you are correct!


More seaside I'm afraid.


Your picture taking and processing has really improved of late. Keep an eye out for the ghosting though! ;)
The eye of an African Grey Parrot, taken today at the Adelaide Zoo through fine metal aviary wire.



Your picture taking and processing has really improved of late. Keep an eye out for the ghosting though! ;)

Thank you and I will.

That's a great photo of the parrot's eye by the way. A little bit sinister in some respects.
Great shot themumu and so nice to see. I was in this spot last year but without a tripod and in dim light so I didn't get a shot like yours.

Hope you tried the sticky buns in Alma (just outside the park)...they're outrageously good!

What I (shamefully) did not try in Alma, was lobster! The whole town closes up at 7pm and that was usually while I was still out exploring. It wasn't until I got to Perce in Quebec that I finally tried a fresh-caught lobster (it was 10pm when we got there but the town was still cooking!) My French is ridiculously bad, but I have never had trouble finding my way around on Quebec culinary adventures ;) I think my heart is way closer to Quebec than any of the Maritimes :p

I think I'll be the official Quebec travel ambassador here. It's the one exception to my "new is always better" travel rule.
This was probably the best place I ever had breakfast at. And I did so 5 days in a row! Room service, warm sun and the sound of sheep and roosters in the background.

Breakfast, Milos, Greece by FriskyFreeze, on Flickr

It's 0° outside, but at least it's not raining. Keep wondering what the hell am I doing in Toronto. Perhaps I should pull a Sean Connery and relocate some place warm, until Ontario gains independence or something equally unlikely. :p
Taken in Taiwan :D


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One of my prefered shots from my first roll of slide film.

Just gutted that my scanner can't seem to capture the full range of colours and tones in the transparency! Might just have to bite the bullet and pay the extra to get the professionally scanned next time!

As always, comments appreciated!

New Look BTS by acearchie, on Flickr

The more I look at this image, the more I absolutely love it. Hard to describe why actually, usually I like an image for specific reasons, and I have them here: I love the drape of the legs, the arms, the colors. But there's (for me) an undefined quality too. Fantastically captured.
@themumu / breakfast in Milos

I love this shot!

Could tell you were somewhere in Greece before reading your description: the blues, light and shadows gave it away.
I've spent time in Greece, though not in Milos, but one remembers the colours and light.
It's time for International Orang-utan Caring Week again! 12-20th of November, 2013.

I hope and trust you have all researched and are doing your bit to stop using Palm Oil in your products! We have been for many years now, I am pleased to say.

This is Kluet, the male Orang-utan at our cities zoo. He's actually quite bashful and shy, so I was pleased to get quite a few pictures of him that were actually in focus, using "The Challenge", my manual 400mm lens. The boy was using the monopod at the time, so I was handheld for this. I have found if I go to Aperture Priority and set it at f/11, minimum shutter at 1/250th, letting the ISO go up to 6400 at the highest, I can handhold this lens and get good quality and clean shots off. Which goes directly against the old rule of keeping to your focal length as a rule, so theoretically I shouldn't shoot under 1/400th of a second on this lens!


Canon 6D, Vivitar 400mm (manual lens), 1/250, f/11, ISO 6400


Yeah that's not sinister!

I'm lost! :eek:

What was that directed at? :confused:
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