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Walking trail—old ochre quarry

From this summer. There's a cat in the picture that you can see through the metal railings. She ran out from under the boards to the bushes then looked back and started calling. After a few moments a little kitten scampered out and joined her. It looked so cute I forgot to take another photo! We mentioned it at the gate on the way out in case someone had lost a cat but it seems there are a few living there.


Fuji X-E1
ISO 400, 18-55@18mm, 1/30 @ f/20
So I posted a landscape a few days back, so figured i'd do a portrait this time.

The post processing was done this way because my friend wanted a 'stylised' look that popped a little, with a doll like appearance.

For some reason this has been my most popular pic on Flickr :confused:

Keep It Low-Key, Baby by Drew Unalkat, on Flickr
Scary Cats

Cats sort've terrify me. So you can imagine how I felt when I noticed these felines giving me the stare-down.

Barn Cats by drtruett, on Flickr

ps: I have a huge amount of respect for 'the regulars' in this thread. You guys are all just great.
Not sure if you will get this over the pond. As kids we used to play a game called conkers. One would hold a conker whilst the other would take a turn at trying to smash it with theirs. In my mind I would get a picture of two conkers hitting into each other and smashing. In reality I got lots of pictures of string, grass in focus and blurred conkers. Still kind of like this one though. Comments always appreciated.

Hitomi in the fireweed.

Not sure if you will get this over the pond. As kids we used to play a game called conkers <snip> Comments always appreciated.

Yes "Conkers" did make it across the pond. At least as far as Britain's oldest colony, Newfoundland. The game was a recess pass time. We would do any number of things to those nuts in order to make them a little tougher. We would soak them in vinegar, dry them in the sun, wax the string ... it was a lot of fun. By the way, that's a pretty wimpy looking conker. What's with the too long piece of string at the end ? I could beat that any day! Just sayin'. :rolleyes:

Mine for today: my daughter-in-law... who happens to be a great photograher. She has "the eye", something her father-in-law struggles with.

The anticipation of things to come...

They promise a snowy winter this year in Eastern Canada - hope it's true! Last year at Tremblant was damn cold and icy, no soft spot to fall into in case you mess up. Made me try harder not to fall ;)

Mont Tremblant by FriskyFreeze, on Flickr
OK, I get it now... Have you ever seen some of Vincent Marcone's works with dolls? Nice and gothic, if you're into that sort of thing.

Thanks for that, I didn't need to sleep for the next few days anyway! ;)

Pretty cool and weird stuff. Cheers.

Mine for today is from my recent trip. No new shots from me for the time being as my beloved X100 is in for repair :(

This little fella was patiently waiting in the high street.....probably for chips.

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Yes "Conkers" did make it across the pond. At least as far as Britain's oldest colony, Newfoundland. The game was a recess pass time. We would do any number of things to those nuts in order to make them a little tougher. We would soak them in vinegar, dry them in the sun, wax the string ... it was a lot of fun. By the way, that's a pretty wimpy looking conker. What's with the too long piece of string at the end ? I could beat that any day! Just sayin'. :rolleyes:

Mine for today: my daughter-in-law... who happens to be a great photograher. She has "the eye", something her father-in-law struggles with.


We used to cook ours. I remember the vinegar thing too.

Continuing the Conkers theme. I like the idea of this one better than the end result. The focus isn't quite right and I was rushing it a bit as there were lots of people round collecting conkers and I felt like an idiot being creative in the woods.


I've been absent from MacRumors for a bit. I need to catch up on everyone else's submissions. Here's one I shot the other day when I was really trying to capture that "Fall look".

IMG_2374 by SnickerSnackClick, on Flickr

Thats a HUGE conked. You'd be sure to win with that!

I was also shooting the theme of Autumn (or Fall for you strange people over the pond).

Welcome back!
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