So nice! I have yet to see one. Have heard them though.
what a lovely bird portrait!!
Can't work out whether the composition is right or wrong here - I've tried the tree in the centre but still doesn't look right somehow - comments welcome please ...
Craggy Tree by Hugh Russell, on Flickr
Can't work out whether the composition is right or wrong here - I've tried the tree in the centre but still doesn't look right somehow - comments welcome please ...
Craggy Tree by Hugh Russell, on Flickr
Can't work out whether the composition is right or wrong here - I've tried the tree in the centre but still doesn't look right somehow - comments welcome please ...
Craggy Tree by Hugh Russell, on Flickr
You should think about leading lines or diagonals to make the shot more interesting. If there was nothing in the background and just the three trees in solitude then the composition might have worked. As it is you would have been better getting them from a 45 degree angle maybe with them running from the bottom left of frame to the top right. Kind of like this.
As it is there is no real focal point and it's a little busy with all of the bits in the background.
Ahhh, thanks, I can see it now. I'll revisit and recompose some time.
I also noticed the shot was taken at F8 so DOF may have been wrong.
Hmm, seems like composition will be my weakest point.
Thanks again, it helps a lot to learn from the more experienced
Hmm, seems like composition will be my weakest point.
Thanks again, it helps a lot to learn from the more experienced
Read understanding composition by Brian Peterson.
Taught me a lot when I started.
[url=]Image[/url]_DSC8178-Edit by apple fanboy1, on Flickr
Can't work out whether the composition is right or wrong here - I've tried the tree in the centre but still doesn't look right somehow - comments welcome please ...
Hmm, seems like composition will be my weakest point.
Thanks again, it helps a lot to learn from the more experienced
Can't work out whether the composition is right or wrong here - I've tried the tree in the centre but still doesn't look right somehow - comments welcome please ...
When that happens to me it's a strong indicator that the best approach is to learn from it then delete. I delete a lot.
I find the shots of mine that I like the most are the ones that require very little work in post. They're the shots that give me that "wow" feeling straight out of the camera before I make any adjustments.
~ Peter
When that happens to me it's a strong indicator that the best approach is to learn from it then delete. I delete a lot.
I find the shots of mine that I like the most are the ones that require very little work in post. They're the shots that give me that "wow" feeling straight out of the camera before I make any adjustments.
~ Peter
I've never seen this. Is this a Lake District thing?
I've seen the same thing in Yorkshire. Seems a pretty pointless thing to do, IMO, on a par with carving your name in a tree trunk...
Parting with money in this way in Yorkshire? Wouldn't be that frivolous with cash in Scotland
Another waterfall of sorts. Comments always welcomed.