Flamingo lollypop.
Flamingo lollypop.
Great lines in that photo, wonderful shape overall. Where did you find flamingos?
That is a pretty neat shot ! I'm not sure I've ever seen a real live Flamingo. Love the title too.
She's in the zoo in your/our home town. This was taken in the Flamingo Grotto, built in 1885 and is the oldest structure at the zoo. I really love the dappled light that falls here in the later afternoon and she was just perfectly placed for this one.
I did not know the history of the flamingo structure. That is cool information. I also have a photo of one of those flamingos, although I don't know which...
1/750th sec, f/2.8, ISO400, 75mm
Olympus OM-D E-M5, Olympus 75mm f/1.8
These are really great. Nice detail, texture, and framing.
Yours is of the Greater Flamingo, the bigger of the two and has the pale pink body colours, the Chilean that I captured has the intense apricot colours on the wings. The one you captured doesn't stop moving her legs because of arthritic problems. Basically, if she stops moving them, they have risk of locking up on her because of her old age. She could be nearly 100 years old or at the youngest about 85, there is no official record for her import, but there were three imports of her type that were between that many years ago.
Having a son in the Zoo Youth is handy!
Thanks Evil Spoonman.
Newtown, Newfoundland
end of the season for this one.
A couple of very well lit land and seascapes. Nice texture in the sky in both photos.
Fresh back from a tour around Europe, but mainly Norway I enter the following photo.
It's the tributary after the Latefossen waterfall near Odda in Norway.
Aperture: f/29.0
Focal Length: 35 mm
ISO Speed: 100
Exposure: 4 seconds
Latefossen waterfalls tributary by rosshmadden, on Flickr
I like it. Really captures the beauty of Norway.
My honest opinion is your framing is so close to being just right, but not giving a tiny bit of breathing room for the drain cuts off a sense of scale, also you're slightly off kilter which I find a little distracting.
That said, exposure is just right and the colours are really intriguing, did you post process a lot?