The second shot is better by a large margin. Doylem touched on most of the salient differences, but I'll explain what I see, for what another opinion is worth.
In the second shot, the boat is better lit, is showing more of its sails, is sailing into the frame, is intersecting a leading line of light that helps to pick it out, and is closer to the viewer. The specular highlights along the hull are even making little twinkles, which is quite charming. And there is even a ray of sunlight beaming down right at the boat. That shot also allows the tall, distant tree to read well and to help balance the composition.
The first shot looks like a missed moment. The boat is smaller, darker, and is exiting the scene. And that foliage sticking up in the foreground is really distracting.
I could see some careful post work adding a little finesse to the second shot, but it's pretty well resolved in the ways that really matter.
Thanks Phrasikleia. When the other opinion is yours, it always counts. I guess my eye was drawn to the first sky too much instead of the focal point of the boat. Composition is probably the hardest thing to learn in photography. Still from what I was shooting/editing a few months ago I think I'm heading in the right direction. Still miles behind you and Doylem of course!