This guy really seamed to like to have his picture taken. He kept swimming up to where I was taking photos.
_DSC7774 by apple fanboy1, on Flickr
Comments welcome.

Comments welcome.
Really like the lighting and the construct of this but... their legs look a little differently processed to the rest of the image. Plus, maybe just me, but nicer footwear would have maybe been more glam...
Wow! Nice! There's some real intimacy to these. Keep 'em coming!
An owl feather on my iPad as a dark reflective base, taken with the iPhone 6, with very low level indirect light from a window.
An owl feather on my iPad as a dark reflective base, taken with the iPhone 6, with very low level indirect light from a window.
Nice. I did the same sort of thing a while ago with some marbles.
Marble Madness by Adam_Campbell, on Flickr
Nice. I did the same sort of thing a while ago with some marbles.
Incredible shot with relatively unsophisticated equipment - I mean no speedlites or macro lenses etc. Astonishing the quality you get from your iphone! well done.