Hitchcock presents! (That might be lost on you younger folk).
Nice. Those blue skies sure look nicer than our grey ones!
Went for a dark feel with this one curtsy of Silver Efex Pro 2.
[url=https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5597/15359744397_60a3baaa07_b.jpg]Image[/url]_DSC7848-Edit by apple fanboy1, on Flickr
Comments always welcome.
Seeing the photograph in simple objects has been my mission as of late. Glad you've enjoyed the photos!Alex, i am really enjoying your simple photos and I do not mean "simple" in a bad way. Just a nice look at objects we look at but don't necessarily SEE everyday.
What did this building use to be?
I also really liked your weekly contest submission in colour - keep the falls coming!
Light test from yoga shoot tonight.
Lauren (light test) by Adam_Campbell, on Flickr
Light test from yoga shoot tonight.
Lauren (light test) by Adam_Campbell, on Flickr
Also nice!
Shot of Mrs MacRy at breakfast on our holiday.
Fuji X100, F2.8, 1/60, ISO1250
Got a lovely sky over Glasgow tonight. I like the picture but I played with it in post and I have mangled the sky. Any tips on how to fix it? Just horrid colour banding so I have messed up in Post.
What did you do exactly? Might be better to post the original in a new thread and ask for advice? Also we did have a thread where you could post a picture and ask people to edit it. I'll see if I can find it.
Here it is. https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/1772969/