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Been quiet on here lately but I need to change that. I went to the NC State Fair last night and captured this. The skies were awesome.
[url=]Image[/url]DSC_1759.jpg by dspector32, on Flickr

Nice. It's great when you get a great sky and somewhere decent to photograph at the same time. Nothing worse than being stuck in the office looking at a beautiful sunrise, or out at some stunning location, but the sky is dull and uninteresting.

Sleeping Stag - Richmond Park

Canon EOS 6D
EF 50mm f/1.8 II
50.0 mm

You shot this with a 50mm?!! Brave man.



More balanced, but I think you can do better. I'm torn at how I feel about this kind of foliage - it looks much better in person than in pictures. I am still undecided about how to best treat the photo I posted earlier. The original intent of the outing was to photograph fall colours, but I've been getting more positive responses to the b/w version of that shot, where I purposefully darkened the green channel to calm down the busy foliage.


Another variation I tried was to insert blue sky into the patch of white in the coloured version. Turned out pretty well, but I'm not sure I'm entirely happy with the idea of pasting in a sky that was originally photographed ~5000 km away. I just didn't have any recent local blue sky shots!

Personally, I shoot a butt-tonne in b&w because my philosophy is that if colour isn't actively contributing to the photo (and is a subject in itself) then I get rid of it. Otherwise I find it distracts from what I want to convey. What I like about your shot is that my eye is immediately drawn to the juxtaposition of smooth, silky water to the high-contrast, jumbled rocks. Nice one.

Nice. It's great when you get a great sky and somewhere decent to photograph at the same time. Nothing worse than being stuck in the office looking at a beautiful sunrise, or out at some stunning location, but the sky is dull and uninteresting.

Yes that is what happens to me on most days. I got lucky
Partial Solar Eclipse

Solar Eclipse by kylos h, on Flickr

If you look closely, you can see the outline of the moon in the clouds. I would have loved to figure out how to make it clearer. The clouds were awesome but made it tricky.

Sony α6000
ISO 100
L'ostello by EmaDaCuz, on Flickr

This is an actual corner in a hostel in Russia. The idea was to compose a picture with (quasi) complementary colours. No post-production, with exception of a tiny exposure correction and a bit of graining.

Taken with my old Sony a230, Minolta 35-105, f/4, ISO 200.
Thanks man! I think I stopped posting here for a while, it's nice to throw stuff on here again :)

Tip of the hat in respect here too. Really nice work and yeah, 50mm on that bad boy, you are brave!

Really like that effect you have applied, aged look maybe? Nice, really nice


[url=]Image[/url]Solar Eclipse by kylos h, on Flickr

If you look closely, you can see the outline of the moon in the clouds. I would have loved to figure out how to make it clearer. The clouds were awesome but made it tricky.

Sony α6000
ISO 100

Very nice shot. Really like it. I love to get pictures with the moon in them too and struggle to get nice definition of it and also get the general lighting of the frame too.

Lovely warm colours.
Here's one of my brother I took while in Arizona. We were driving and saw some old railroad tracks without the dreaded third-rail we find in the UK. I'm not entirely sure if it was a route in active service, but after seeing that it stretched for miles in both directions (plus a few more things) we figured we could take a look around. I quickly snapped a few shots before we got back in the car.

Richard railroad front
by alex.stedman, on Flickr

I hope that I don't have to spell it out for you guys as you're all pretty switched on, but I feel the need to add a disclaimer: exercise lots of caution with railroads. I won't go in to all the detail of what we did to reduce the risks, but suffice to say we didn't exactly throw ourselves in the deep end.

Tip of the hat in respect here too. Really nice work and yeah, 50mm on that bad boy, you are brave!

Really like that effect you have applied, aged look maybe? Nice, really nice

I don't specifically go for aged, but I like re-creating the tones of film, I'm not a purist about it finding specific film looks to rip off, rather: Create a tone that fits the emotion of the content.
Lovely scene and good photo Doylem. This looks like the same person as in your last photo. I thought it was so went back to check!

Yes, that's my big sister. We meet up a few times each year, to do a bit of walking/exploring/drinking wine.

Where I was drinking last night, on the Norfolk Broads...

Back from a very wet week in Wales. Lovely break from the rat race but photos were thin on the ground due to the weather. What I did take I was pretty disappointed with. Time to dig out the books and rethink how I shoot as I was expecting more "keepers".

Here's Mrs MacRy enjoying the falling leaves.

Congratulations !!

Cheers :)


Thanks! Somewhat sleep deprived, but happier than I've ever been. Will probably post another pic or two, but will refrain from flooding the thread with baby pics #. Like cat pics, everyone thinks theirs are precious and unique while most of the time they aren't interesting to anyone outside of a close circle of family and friends.

Having said that, my son is the most photogenic baby to ever grace the planet ;)
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