Yeah. Hopefully this isn’t inflammatory, but I do think that all this isolation is sacrificing our mental health for the sake of our physical health. We’re trying to rely on technology to supplement a very old form of human interaction—physical contact—and there are simply things people say online that they would never dream of saying to another person face-to-face, so it just doesn’t work the same. There’s also no reliable means to measure sincerity in some random poster online. What might just be brunt can be just as easily perceived as hostile, and most everyone seems on edge as it is. I’ve been working from home for most of this time, and I thought it was great at first, but there’s just something missing that is really starting to get to me—even if someday COVID-19 is behind us, has it set precedence for every other situation just like it that has yet to come? The year 2020 already has a negative connotation to it! Can we really make that a new normal?