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macrumors 601
Feb 24, 2008
Over there------->
It seems we have always had some slack built-in to the 'system'... and if it goes 2 days without any signs of life from our judge, then we go to plan B. Not a big deal, really. There's no money, no prizes on the line here.

I also prefer things the way they've been going. It's been fun.


macrumors regular
Feb 11, 2008
Someone who has not posted in this thread, please make the judgement.

You'll be the replacement judge for this week.



macrumors 68020
Aug 12, 2003
At home
Wow this thread/debate is still pottering along!

Many images are simply the size they are in thread and that's it.

But not all and some were re-tagged to TIMG instead of IMG by Doctor Q .

Just a thought thats all. It has been missed in the past.


macrumors 68020
Aug 25, 2006
Oregon coast
Someone who has not posted in this thread, please make the judgement.

You'll be the replacement judge for this week.


Ghostguts, I've noticed that many of your posted pics from earlier contests, and now even the one you posted for this contest... seem to disappear. They are linked from flickr, but you must be moving the originals that the links reference. It makes it hard for folks to view your pictures when all that shows up is a blank space-holder. Maybe instead of linking to your flickr shots, you could upload to this site as an attachement, and they'd always be here.

I've thought about that for my own pics which are linked from picasaweb. My gallery there is getting full, and I thought about eliminating, or consolidating my photos there, then realized all my postings here would be affected. I'm rethinking my approach, and may be doing attachments in the future.

Anyway, just thought I'd tell you I can't see your pics anymore.


macrumors 68020
Aug 25, 2006
Oregon coast
I PM'd no response.

It's looking like plan B time, guys and girls. I nominate mrgreen4242 as the new judge for this contest. Any seconds? Any other nominees from the group? I'm going to bed now, and herebye approve not only this message, but whatever you guys want to do. ;)

Wake me up when it's over... :)


macrumors 601
Feb 10, 2004
Rofl. OK guys, I'll judge. I pick... ME! No, just kidding, of course.

Normally, I'd decline since I did enter and I don't consider myself really qualified to critique a lot of this work (so many of you are orders of magnitude better at this than me), but my overwhelming desire to get this moving means I'll accept.

I will go through and review all the entries this morning while I work and during my lunch (noon Eastern time) so you'll have a winner by ~1:00 EST.

So have we agreed that judges are to pick at least a top 3 and the #2 (and #3 if needed) will step in to start/finish a contest if the winner/judge is a no show for more than 48 hours?

I can understand people not wanting lots of rules and structures, but maybe we can at least get some sort of backup system in place out of all this??

EDIT: BTW if some outside party steps in to judge, or turns up before 1:00, please let it override my picks, it won't hurt my feelings or anything, and I'm going to submit my pick just to so we can all move on.


macrumors 601
Feb 10, 2004
I'm not a trained or "pro" photog, but I am an admirer of photography and I have been reading, practicing and trying to get better, so here's just sort of my personal impressions of each entry:

ghostguts - I get an image unavailable so can't judge it.

seenew - I like the framing of your shot, and the multi-directional (and slightly differing color?) lighting. One thing I would suggest is removing the light reflection from the eye.

Fuzzy14 - adorable. It feels a little flat, to me, maybe more contrast would have helped (white on white can be hard)

kidkaprie - the selective color is a neat effect, but it moved my eye to the shirt, and away from the little girl, which I think is counter to what you were trying to do

skaliwag - I love this shot, I actually commented on it before when you asked for C&C in another thread. The warm colors contrast the cold environment really well, and the vignetting frames the subject well without being distracting.

ajpl - this is a fun portrait. I would have liked to see more of the faces in it, as it is I feel like it would make a better ad for the dresser than a portrait.

blade1139 - This is a great shot. The composition is perfect for the subject, the color contrasts beautiful, and overall just a great portrait.

SLC Flyfishing - Cute kid! My only critique here is that the positioning seems off. It's on the left third horizontally, but her eyes are about halfway down vertically rather than on one of the thirds. To my eye, it looks unbalanced if you shoot with just one of the third lines.

mattw126 - she's pretty and it's a nice pose. The composition is good as well. Her eyes look unnatural to me, though, and draw attention in a bad way. Did you do something to them in post or is that just naturally how her eye look? Also, the B&W doesn't really add anything for me. There's not enough light/dark contrast to make it really punch in B&W, imo.

KameraGoddis - This is a great portrait. The B&W contrast is really great, that real film grain is wonderful. Great job. The foreground, out of focus, what I assume is a head, is sort of distracting, though.

anubis - this is great. Everything about this is just as you would expect to see in a great wedding/event portrait. If this was for a customer, I am sure they were thrilled with this pic. No real critique here, I wouldn't change anything.

bootedbear - started the dog theme. It's a technically good shot, in focus, goof detail, composed well on third lines. It's just doesn't grab me though. Nothing wrong with that, but probably my personal tastes.

seattle - this is a good animal portrait. You grabbed the dog doing something cute, and it's a nice shot as a result. Not much I'd personally change. - I've tried to take this shot with my son, and it's hard to do. Here's the thing: there's a huge out of focus chunk that is really distracting and makes it hard to focus on the subject (the dog). With the dog looking away, you naturally look to see what he's looking at, but it's out of focus too and you can't tell. It's a really hard shot to get, so good try, but this one just lacks a solid subject/path for your eyes.

valdore - awesome field portrait. Great expression, cool setup (sunglasses inside at night) makes your friend look very cool which I bet he really appreciated, and that's part of a good portrait. Very good work.

mickbab - you caught a fun/interesting moment in time which is what photography is all about, "good camera" or not. The background is a little distracting here, for some reason. There's little details (railing and stairs) that don't really go anywhere for the eye.

nadav - I would have like this more had the angle been just a little lower which would have brought the nose a bit close to the lens. Good shot but as with some of the other dog portraits, it just doesn't grab my eye.

chappers - great action shot, and you managed to get some bokeh and keep the bubbles in focus enough to know what they are and really bring the photo together.

ipodtoucher - cute shot, and you did a good job either lighting it or in post making what I'm assuming is an outdoor, bright daylight picture look like a soft studio portrait

pdxflint - pretty shot, my only critique would be that it's a great picture of hair, but not a compelling portrait of the person. Taken in a group with other shots it would likely be more lovely

firstapple - this is another technically good, but uncompelling, animal photos. It's probably just me. Cats are lazy so it's hard to get a good picture of them doing anything interesting. :p

dukeblue - great animal shot. Great use of B&W - lots of contrast and detail brought out by the effect. The look in the elephants eye is almost human. All in very good work, only thing I would look at changing is the positioning of the animal in the frame. It's good where it is, but if you have any cropping space not shown to work with you might be able to make it even better

mrgreen4242 - dude, you're awesome. I love that shot. I really like the color contrast of the blues and yellows. The reflection on the water really adds a feeling symmetry to the shot. Framing is great, and the action shot is just too cute! (Seriously, I'd always like any C&C others have to give on my photos - that's the only reason I enter contests, I don't expect to win, just hope to get some feedback).

Essjay - the subject was obvious, but not clear, if that makes sense. There lots of deadspace that I thought could be trimmed, making the shot a landscape orientation that might look better. Maybe not, I'm a little undecided on this one, but that's my first reaction.

MaccMacs - the focus plane is behind your subject (the ferns) so she's out of focus and the plants are in focus. Would have been a good shot otherwise, I think.

01jamcon - great animal submission. The framing of the dog is great and I think that even though we see less of the animal we know more about him based on the picture. Great detail in the wood, as well, giving a sense of what sort of place you are at even though all we can see is a couple square feet of plain wood board.

jordygreen - pretty picture. Captured a nice expression on her face. The details in the hair, with her hands moving it and it pulling away in the front, gives you a sense of what she might be doing or going to do when the photo was taken. I would have preferred less bokeh so I could see where she's at, which might give us some more insight into what she's doing/thinking...

andrewlotsofnumber - cute cute cute! The position of the subject here is just right, imo, filling 2/3rd of the frame almost perfectly. The straw is a fun touch that reminds you how everything little kids do can be cute and fun.

jaiden - nice contrast of the "construction worker" hard hat look and the sucker in the mouth (as opposed to something more "masculine" like a cigarette or whatever), I think it would have been better with a tighter crop since the background doesn't tell us much about the subject anyways.

That was the last entry that was "on time" based on the deadline listed in the post. Based on a week from the post date, these pics would also be on time. I see no reason not to include them at this point.

endandlindz28 - she's cute and making a cute pose. I don't feel like I know anything about her from the shot, though, which is makes it a little uninteresting to me.

09mxkfx - cool portrait in that it tells me about the subject and captures what I assume is an important part of his life. The location is great as it fits visually (the lines and colors), but isn't where you'd expect to see this sort of person/machine at. I'd like it a little more if the bike was shown in full and the top cut off at the ceiling, cropping a bit of the graffiti.

apearlman - good photo, a tight crop might have been better though. Leave enough so we know he's in the water, and the reflection is a nice visual balance, but so much plain water makes everything a little too bland to my eye.

techieforlife - like the dog earlier, this has a little to much headspace, imo. Cutting it off at closer to the tops of the buildings would have helped focus the shot on the bird a little better. Also, a little less bokeh to help make the buildings a little more distinct would also have made it more appealing to me - it would set the bird as in the city but not part of the city a little better, I think. - it's a dead bird. Maybe it's symbolic for this thread?

wheezy - this came in after the contest was closed no matter how you look at it, but just a quit comment - definitely a good picture. Nice lighting and composition, not sure what else to say about it. Maybe if she was looking at something away from the lens it would add a little mystery - like what is she so interested in, or if there was a just a bit more of her face we'd get the impression she's looking at the photog adoringly or whatever face she was making. Small thoughts, it's good just as is.

Just a final note: all the entries were good or great. If I came off sounding critical of anyone it wasn't intentional, it was all meant as hopefully helpful critique to the photog.

Ok, now the winner picking. My criteria, based on a subject of "head shots, models, family self portraits" is that we should looking at, basically, a portrait of one or more living thing. The defining mark of a portrait, to me, is that we are able to learn something about the subject(s); gain some insight to who they are, or why they are in a particular place at a particular time. That plus overall technical merit is what I used to make my choices.

First: Skaliwag
. As I mentioned in my comments for you, I love the color contrasted with the apparent cold location. This gave me the sense, along with her smile, that she was in a cold, lonely place but was warm and happy there.

Second: Valdore. I think this shot is a great portrait as it brings out a huge personality in the subject. You feel like you know him looking at just this photo. (Note: I actually switched back and forth twice with you and Skaliwag for #1. I think they are both great. Skaliwag gets the nod for his use of color to add to the insight of the subject. The use of B&W fits your photo perfectly, but I don't think it added anything to our understanding of your friend. That tiny little hair of difference decided it for me).

Third: Anubis. While this actually didn't give me a whole lot of insight into this little girl, I had to give you a nod for what is really a perfect "traditional" portrait.

Best animal shot runners up: Added this because I felt the category got split with people and animals. I liked the people pics best, but dukeblue91 and 01jamcon tie for some outstanding animal portraits.

Again, great job everyone! It was fun to evaluate all your photos and I feel like I learned a ton about photography by doing it. So lets get going on next weeks! ;)


macrumors 601
Feb 10, 2004
Well done to the deserving winners here (at last there's results).

I know mine probably sucked, but any reason why mine didn't get mentioned with the others? As far as I'm aware I was in time.

Sorry I missed you! You got (visually) lumped in with all the discussion that followed your post since there was no image embedded in with the post (for me anyways). The link doesn't work for me either... :confused: I'd be happy to take a look at it, if you want to repost it, but I don't think it'd be right to alter the final results after they're posted.

It could be a filter at my work, I suppose, but yours is the only one that would have been blocked... odd.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 14, 2008
Sorry I missed you! You got (visually) lumped in with all the discussion that followed your post since there was no image embedded in with the post (for me anyways). The link doesn't work for me either... :confused: I'd be happy to take a look at it, if you want to repost it, but I don't think it'd be right to alter the final results after they're posted.

It could be a filter at my work, I suppose, but yours is the only one that would have been blocked... odd.

That explains why it got missed, I guess. And no problem at all about the results, there's a stack of really good photogs here - it's good to be in such company.

Here's a direct link.


macrumors 601
Feb 10, 2004
That explains why it got missed, I guess. And no problem at all about the results, there's a stack of really good photogs here - it's good to be in such company.

Here's a direct link.

I get a DNS error (address cannot be found) for the entire domain Could be my work, but usually we get a little warning screen for blocked sites. I'll check it when I get home, though.


macrumors 68020
Aug 12, 2003
At home
Good job mrgreen4242 - a difficult one to judge I think. So many good pictures.

And well done skaliwag

As for your photo mrgreen4242 - I revisited it several times. At first I wasn't sure about it, but there is a natural quality of the child who didn't pose for the photo at the very last moment. It's not a traditional portrait but it speaks volumes about love.

I also think blade1139's sister is lovely. What an interesting face of a little girl who has had an equally interesting day out.


macrumors 68020
Aug 25, 2006
Oregon coast
I'm not a trained or "pro" photog, but I am an admirer of photography and I have been reading, practicing and trying to get better, so here's just sort of my personal impressions of each entry:

pdxflint - pretty shot, my only critique would be that it's a great picture of hair, but not a compelling portrait of the person. Taken in a group with other shots it would likely be more lovely
Ohh... this was a portrait contest?? :eek: I thought it was a hair contest...:eek:

BTW, my subject also thinks it's a great picture of her hair...:D
Nice job taking on the judging duties. But seriously... I was expecting to win.;)

First: Skaliwag
. As I mentioned in my comments for you, I love the color contrasted with the apparent cold location. This gave me the sense, along with her smile, that she was in a cold, lonely place but was warm and happy there.

Second: Valdore. I think this shot is a great portrait as it brings out a huge personality in the subject. You feel like you know him looking at just this photo. (Note: I actually switched back and forth twice with you and Skaliwag for #1. I think they are both great. Skaliwag gets the nod for his use of color to add to the insight of the subject. The use of B&W fits your photo perfectly, but I don't think it added anything to our understanding of your friend. That tiny little hair of difference decided it for me).

Third: Anubis. While this actually didn't give me a whole lot of insight into this little girl, I had to give you a nod for what is really a perfect "traditional" portrait.

Again, great job everyone! It was fun to evaluate all your photos and I feel like I learned a ton about photography by doing it. So lets get going on next weeks! ;)

Good choices. Congrats to Skaliwag. I'm looking forward to losing the next contest, too. ;)

BTW: mrgreen4242, a nice moment captured with the baby and mother. It's not a true portrait, in that sense, but in many ways perhaps more of a keeper for the family. It would have been almost perfect if the baby's face were more pointed up, just a smidge to catch more of his joyful moment.


macrumors 68020
Aug 25, 2006
Oregon coast
That explains why it got missed, I guess. And no problem at all about the results, there's a stack of really good photogs here - it's good to be in such company.

Here's a direct link.

It comes up for me. Nice tight shot, overall the light seems a little flat, common on overcast days, and the tone seems just a tad cool. I like the informality of the shot, but I'm not sure if the subject is annoyed, or just trying to patiently wait on the photographer - based on the expression. I can see the plane of focus includes the chin whiskers and the hair on the top of the head, but for some reason to me, the eyes seem a little soft - I can't figure why that would be... so it's probably just my bad eyes. What's the material/stain on the side of the guy's face - I don't completely understand the story here. Also, the sawhorse device with the plastic bag and maybe a firefighting uniform in the background only distracts my attention. I keep trying to figure out if those things can tell me anything about the subject, but in the end it doesn't.


macrumors 601
Feb 24, 2008
Over there------->
It comes up for me. Nice tight shot, overall the light seems a little flat, common on overcast days, and the tone seems just a tad cool. I like the informality of the shot, but I'm not sure if the subject is annoyed, or just trying to patiently wait on the photographer - based on the expression. I can see the plane of focus includes the chin whiskers and the hair on the top of the head, but for some reason to me, the eyes seem a little soft - I can't figure why that would be... so it's probably just my bad eyes. What's the material/stain on the side of the guy's face - I don't completely understand the story here. Also, the sawhorse device with the plastic bag and maybe a firefighting uniform in the background only distracts my attention. I keep trying to figure out if those things can tell me anything about the subject, but in the end it doesn't.

Agreed. This is a good example of why portraits work best with shallow DOF and a vertical (aka "portrait") orientation. That background is too distracting. And the reason for the smear (of paint?) on the person's face and his apparent distress is not evident.


macrumors 601
Feb 10, 2004
Ohh... this was a portrait contest?? :eek: I thought it was a hair contest...:eek:

BTW, my subject also thinks it's a great picture of her hair...:D
Nice job taking on the judging duties. But seriously... I was expecting to win.;)

Good choices. Congrats to Skaliwag. I'm looking forward to losing the next contest, too. ;)

BTW: mrgreen4242, a nice moment captured with the baby and mother. It's not a true portrait, in that sense, but in many ways perhaps more of a keeper for the family. It would have been almost perfect if the baby's face were more pointed up, just a smidge to catch more of his joyful moment.

Thanks for the comments. We were shooting some more traditional posed portraits and that was a candid grab. I agree it would have better if he was looking up/smiling at the camera more.

Maybe you should submit your photo to an ad agency with some hair product contracts?! ;)


macrumors regular
Aug 25, 2008
What's the material/stain on the side of the guy's face - I don't completely understand the story here. Also, the sawhorse device with the plastic bag and maybe a firefighting uniform in the background only distracts my attention. I keep trying to figure out if those things can tell me anything about the subject, but in the end it doesn't.

On the thumbnail I couldn't tell if it was bird droppings or something else. Blown up it is quite evident a paintball splat. The look on the face? the combination of humiliation and pain from taking a paintball to the side of the dome (commonly termed a 'headshot'). I must agree all the paintball gear in the background was distracting, but for me it helped tell the story.
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