Barn occupant discovery.
Shot in Kenya, wild herd of elephants grazing, lots of young playing around with Mama's watching carefully.
Taken with D80
Sigma 100-300 f/4
Just shot this a half hour ago.
It's a Tawny Frogmouth, I always thought it was some sort of an Owl but it isn't. It sort of looks like a cross between an owl and a piece of dead wood.
WOW.... that is a great shot. where all did you go on this trip!?
Barn occupant discovery.
snipped image
My school chorus singing the finale at last night's concert:
Camera: Nikon D70s
Thanks. It was shot in low light as you can see... I wish I had more time to set up the shots, but I just managed to get this one...If this was my picture i should add a little smart sharpening to the partiture.
Very nice shot anyway.
Great picture Pac a Mac
Sometimes there is nothing to do so you just stick your head outside the door into the hallway and take a shot.
Taken with my Pentax, K110D:
Shutter 1/90
f: 4.5
iso: 800
focal length:43mm
what is that???