White shed, dark sky - Church parking lot - Worcester, MA:
Doors have rapidly become one of my most favorite subjects to shoot.
*snips spooky sink pic*
Nikon D40
18-55mm AF-S
f 3.5
Not a great quality picture... Taken yee long ago in my school's old bathroom:
Camera make: SONY
Camera model: DSC-P8
Date/Time: 2005:06:16 10:08:47
Resolution: 720 x 540
Flash used: Yes (red eye reduction mode, red eye reduction mode, return light detected)
Focal length: 6.0mm
Exposure time: 0.125 s (1/8)
Aperture: f/2.8
ISO equiv.: 160
Whitebalance: Auto
Metering Mode: matrix
Exposure: program (auto)
at our local zoo. I never get enough of watching them.Wow. More meerkats! Where'd you take that one?
at our local zoo. I never get enough of watching them.
who IS that?
Spring? I've got pictures of it! I know I've posted some of them in here before....which one of these is better, d'ya think?