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Memphis, Tn
Olympus E-500
Taken: 4/22/07
Shutter Speed: 1/80
Aperture: f/4.5
Focal Length: 30mm
Flash: Off
ISO: 100

Focal length: 50.0mm
Exposure time: (1/250)
Aperture: f/5.6
ISO equiv.: 200
Metering Mode: center weight
Exposure: Manual
Exposure Mode: Auto bracketing
My favorite color

FreeBooter, I was wondering how long you spent in the editor for that amazing photo?

Orange is my favorite color, so i couldn't resist shooting a few of this flower when i saw it in my friends backyard.

Canon 400D wearing Canon 28-80mm
1/160 sec
ISO 400
Thanks for the kind words fall3n, rahrens, Allstermac, GoGoSamGo, Buschmaster!

Regarding how long I spent making my last picture, I'd say about 15 minutes to conceive and execute the main image (crop, convert to b&w and selectively erase that conversion to retain color in the important areas). And then a good hour or so of fine tuning....fussing with color, a bit of cloning, sharpening.
And good will towards men

It was as if an earthquake rent the hearthstones
of a continent and made forlorn the households
born of peace on earth, good will to men.....

And in despair, I bowed my head
There is no peace on earth I said
The Hate is strong and it mocks the song
Of Peace on Earth good will to men

Then pealed the bells more loud and deep
God is not dead nor does he sleep
The wrong will fail and the right prevail
With Peace on Earth good will to men

baby duck monge, where was that taken? Memphis?

You didn't specify which one, but all the recent ones I have posted are in Memphis. The various statue shots were all taken at my friend's apartment. The two bronze-y ones are a statue in a little garden area out back, and the B&W I posted most recently is part of a birdbath by the entrance to their parking lot.
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