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Green Lion Gate, with Garden


May 19, 2007
Daegu, South Korea
Nikon D40
Nikkor 70-300mm

Those would be kimchi pots and a well in the background, along with onions or garlic.
My try at the orton effect. Veldhoven parrot shelter. This weekend.

Canon 350D, 1/750s f/1.8 ISO200 85mm ( yes, I could have used ISO100)


I figured I'd try to desaturate this since there weren't any interesting colors in the original shot and the main focus was the shadows and different textures of the wall. But which one do you guys think is better? Thoughts?
I figured I'd try to desaturate this since there weren't any interesting colors in the original shot and the main focus was the shadows and different textures of the wall. But which one do you guys think is better? Thoughts?
Personally, I prefer the color version. Although there isn't any "interesting" colors, I think the yellow = sun = reiterates/emphasizes the casted shadows.

The BW version is kind of boring to me. :eek:
Thanks! I've "Orton-ised" it, something I found online. It's fairly easy to do with Photoshop ( and Elements ):

1. With an open image, select Image>Apply Image… change the bending mode to “Screen” and the Opacity to 100%. This will give you an appropriately overexposed image.

2. Duplicate this overexposed image (Image>Duplicate).

3. Blur this second image (Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur… and in the dialog box use a Radius setting of 20-30 pixles.

4. Now drag and drop the blurry image onto the sharp one.

5. In the layers palette will be a menu box of blending modes. Change the blending mode from “normal” to “multiply”.

6. Then select Image>Flatten Image.


Thanks, I just gave it a quick try. I don't have all my photos here so it's not a real good one. This is some property that my friend owns. How did I do?


  • Lyndsay 009_new_cool.jpg
    Lyndsay 009_new_cool.jpg
    239.2 KB · Views: 95
^^ is that a street hockey rink? If so, I envy the fact you have such a nice one (at least it looks nice). The closest one to me is not so pretty (there aren't many around here). Anyways, thats a cool perspective. I love the lighting also, seems to be taken at the perfect time of day for that shot...
Marina Alimou, Athens, Greece

I learned about the orton effect here, so i thought i'd post one of my experiments!

Taken with a Nikon D40x. "Ortonized" in Photoshop CS3.


  • harbour_orton.jpg
    161.3 KB · Views: 112
Terroyako, I'd definitely go for the colour version, he colours are beautiful don't you think? If you're gonna go b&w, maybe up the contrast.

Here's my photo of the day, I took it on the weekend.

VictorM said:
"stone tower"
Toronto, Canada
May 20, 2007
Nikon D70s, Nikkor 105mm/f2.8
Cool shot, did you make that stone tower?

I spy the CN Tower on the right in the background.

Memphis, TN
Olympus E-500
Taken: 5/19/2007
Shutter Speed: 1/200
Aperture: f/14
Focal Length: 14mm
Flash: Off
ISO: 100
Nice shot, I love photographs of grafitti.

freebooter said:
May 19, 2007.
Daegu, South Korea.
Nikon D40
Nikkor 70-300mm VR
Nice composition and textures freebooter.

Jebaloo said:
Here's my photo of the day, I took it on the weekend.
There's a lot of emotion in this shot and I love the contrast and dark shadows on his face.

xcalibre said:
Taken with a Nikon D40x. "Ortonized" in Photoshop CS3.
Nice reflections and depth; this photo takes me all the way down the marina. My only suggestion would be to crop out the folks on the far right.

terriyaki said:
I figured I'd try to desaturate this since there weren't any interesting colors in the original shot and the main focus was the shadows and different textures of the wall. But which one do you guys think is better? Thoughts?
I prefer black and white version, but like Jebaloo mentioned, increase the contrast so that the shadows are more defined.
^^ is that a street hockey rink? If so, I envy the fact you have such a nice one (at least it looks nice). The closest one to me is not so pretty (there aren't many around here). Anyways, thats a cool perspective. I love the lighting also, seems to be taken at the perfect time of day for that shot...

Honestly, I don't know... I don't remember. I think it's a basketball court, though I may be wrong. It's in a school yard near my fiance's aunt's house. The light was perfect actually, I lucked out :D
Nice reflections and depth; this photo takes me all the way down the marina. My only suggestion would be to crop out the folks on the far right.
Thanks for the advice, i'd tend to agree - it kind of distracts a bit...
Cool shot, did you make that stone tower?

I spy the CN Tower on the right in the background.

Thanks Martin, you're right that is the CN tower. Somebody else built the stone tower, I just found it. There are piles of brick and stone in the area, and people are always building interesting objects out of them.
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