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Shutter Speed: 1/50 second
F Number: F/5.0
Focal Length: 17 mm
ISO Speed: 400
Date Picture Taken: May 12, 2007, 10:58:29 AM



taken in random st in Belmont, MA. May 12th. 1pm.
Nikon D50
28-80mm @ 28mm
aperture: f 3.3
shutter: 1/640
ISO: 200
Snowboarding - Soelden - Austria


Camera: Kodak CX4200
Exposure: 0.001 sec (1/1000)
Aperture: f/8
Focal Length: 6 mm
ISO Speed: 100
Exposure Bias: 0/10 EV
Always love lightening. How did you capture this? I notice you had shutter speed at 10 sec, do you just leave it open until the lightening happens and then close it? I'm guessing it's mainly by luck and repitition. 10 sec at time until you get lucky?

That's basically the idea, brute-force method :)

I take 10 second repeated bursts when I see there is activity in the area, so it helps if it's an active storm. Specifically, I put the camera on a tripod, and on manual focus (after pre-focusing on a distant bulding), set to F8 and 10 second exposure (i.e. camera in manual mode), use continuous shooting mode, and a cable release which I put in the locked position so that it fires repeatedly until I release the lock. My camera doesn't have an intervalometer or else I think you could use that instead of a cable release to force the repeated firing.

As for the 10 seconds at f8 (at ISO200 which is the lowest my camera goes), I've just found that amount of time works well, because it's long enough to capture enough of the lightning burst, but not too long that the city lights burn out the photo. I've tried other exposure combinations but this seems to work the best for me under these conditions and keeps the noise levels down (I don't want to use auto NR because I don't want to miss a lightning burst while the camera is tied up doing the dark-frame subtraction).

Of course using a wide-angle works well because you can get more city/sky and also improve your chances of capturing something, but you can get skewing in the buildings which bugs me a bit.
mmm, spicy

I like the colors MartinC on the Break Dance :cool:
And VictorM - thanks for the lightning technique

Finally cleared off my workbench so I could start taking some light tent shots.

D200 @ 50mm
ISO 100
Family Force 5 at Cornerstone Florida music festival, 2007. I'm festival staff, so I had as much time backstage as i wanted, but the weekend was really hectic and I didn't have much time at all. I'm not a big fan of FF5, but I took these on Day 1 and have had some time to host them to my Flickr. Day 2, and the rest of Day 1 I haven't had time to look at yet. Alot of them are crap, I was so short on time I took any picture op and didn't take time to delete any bad ones.


*ist DS
135mm F2.8
ISO 400
May 11th, 2007
Mainstage 2, Cornerstone Florida Fest.
Puma in the Grass

taken in random st in Belmont, MA. May 12th. 1pm.
Nikon D50
28-80mm @ 28mm
aperture: f 3.3
shutter: 1/640
ISO: 200

Totally awesome! Simple but awesome. I love it.
Mine for the day. A birthday present for my brother. He's 16 today, and he loves soccer. SCARY!

Canon 400D 28-200mm @50mm
1/250 sec
ISO 800
My second contribution to this thread. I'm hoping to get a dSLR soon so I can start posting regularly.


Italy Pavillion
Epcot - Walt Disney World - Orlando, FL
April 2004
DISPOSABLE (Yes, you read that right) camera
Totally awesome! Simple but awesome. I love it.
Mine for the day. A birthday present for my brother. He's 16 today, and he loves soccer. SCARY!

Canon 400D 28-200mm @50mm
1/250 sec
ISO 800

Thanks for the kind words! I'm still learning...this board gives me lots of inspiration. i love that low perspective in your shot. i've been looking to do something like that, but can't find the right kind of grass or subject to do it with.....some day!

I love everyone's pictures here, but Freebooter, i have to say some of your pictures taken around Daegu are my favorite. I haven't been to Korea in many many years (i'm korean american).

anyways, here's mine for the day. I'll be in Spain/Portugal for the next 10 days, so hopefully i'll come back with a few good shots to post.


this is the lobby of the building i work in. really cool building.

taken May 11
Nikon D50
28-80mm @ 28mm
ISO 400
Shutter: 1/30
Aperture: f 6.3
5th Floor: After the Rain


May 16, 2007.
Daegu, South Korea
Sony DSC R1 @ 24mm​

This is the view outside one of the classrooms at the academy I work at. I decided to make an image more complete than the similar one I posted here last week.
It's a multi-shot panorama stitched by AutoPano Pro (180 degrees).

And, thanks ACbc!
Sunset through the trees on a hill overlooking athens, greece.
Slightly cropped.

ISO 100
Nikon D40x


  • DSC_0018.jpg
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I love the lighting there. How do you get that effect?

Thanks! I've "Orton-ised" it, something I found online. It's fairly easy to do with Photoshop ( and Elements ):

1. With an open image, select Image>Apply Image… change the bending mode to “Screen” and the Opacity to 100%. This will give you an appropriately overexposed image.

2. Duplicate this overexposed image (Image>Duplicate).

3. Blur this second image (Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur… and in the dialog box use a Radius setting of 20-30 pixles.

4. Now drag and drop the blurry image onto the sharp one.

5. In the layers palette will be a menu box of blending modes. Change the blending mode from “normal” to “multiply”.

6. Then select Image>Flatten Image.

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