Not to digress in this thread too much, but what are you shooting with now?? I can't tell really, but it almost looks Cannon??I think we should start a club.
I'm really happy with this picture. It's one of the clearest I've taken with my camera. I can't wait to get my D80. I'll have ALOT of fun with it.
EDIT: and we should start a iMac G4 users club.
I love my D70s to death, and I think you'll be happy with the D80 too. But, if you have yet to buy the D80, read my recent thread about the comparison between the two cameras (in this forum)... Not to sway ya, but it might give you some insight and in turn save you a few bucks.
Personally, my next camera will be a D200, or whatever is out in a few years when I upgrade my body. The D80 - for the price - just isn't a smart move for me and my shooting style.