What is it that I don't get? That only low mileage cars are reliable and non-boring. That is what you just implied and I agree I don't get it! Can you explain that to me?I'd much rather have a car that gets "meh" MPG than one that gets good MPG and breaks down all the time. Or is boring as hell. I bought my 96 Land Rover Discovery when gas was nearing $4/gal (hell I still pay $3.19 a gal for premium for it), but it's in perfect shape mechanically, so the money that I would be spending on fixing the car I spend on gas/having fun.
Some people just don't get it I guess. Sad.
I don't think I'm quite ready to trade in my 30+ mpg JCW quite yet. It's too much of a blast to drive and has yet to break down, even after driving it hard at the track. Oh yeah, they don't allow SUVs on the track. They're too dangerous.