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Congrats on flaunting dad's money.

Dear 39% of members on this forum,

These kind of immature, prejudice BS comments piss me off. Would YOU not buy your child nice things if you had the resources to? Didn't think so. Just because you don't have an A4, doesn't mean you should be bitter that someone younger than you does. It's just pure prejudice, nothing but; with the mindset that young people shouldn't have nice things. The excuse of "oh but he's just spoiled and won't ever learn the value of the dollar" will be pulled, and I call utter BS. At some point, his father will no longer support him. You expect him to just be alright with making $35,000 a year, driving an Aveo? No. He'll work his ass off to keep having nice things. And its not just cars, venture into the iPhone forums. People get bent out of shape when a high schooler has an iPhone. Honestly?

I'm 17. Drive an Acura TL. Eternally grateful for it, have no intentions of living a lifestyle that doesn't allow for nice things when I'm older. I'm already working my ass off, starting my own business. My father is a role model to me, and I'm sure many with successful parents can attest to that. Money doesn't simply get put into your pocket without hard work, contrary to some people's beliefs.

Don't compare your lifestyle to others.
Thank you, have a nice day.
Dear 100% of uiop. members in this thread,

Let me know when you become a parent yourself, and start actually making decisions about what to give your kids. At that point I MIGHT welcome your opinion on the subject. Until then, take heed to your own words...

Don't compare your lifestyle to others.
Thank you, have a nice day.
Nope, wouldn't buy my kids (when/if I have them) a car. I would make the offer that I would pay for 50% of the car up to $5k should they have the grades, help out the community, and agree to take some sort of racing course to teach wet/ dry handling when pushing the limits. Also, it would NOT be a sporty car of any sort....Also, if I could, I would have it limited to street legal speeds with some sort of GPS system (which I know are coming out if they have not already)

Shoot, I know what I did in my first 89 Vovlo 240DL.....:eek:

I would however be willing to pay for 100% of something that will further their hobby or interest, such as music, photography, racing rc cars etc. Now, If when I do have kids and can afford to pay for them to get into Karting and move up, sure...I'd pay for that too....

There is something utterly special to a youngster paying 100% for an item that will be their biggest purchase for years, that will hopefully give them the desire to be physically and financially responsible for that item.
Money doesn't simply get put into your pocket without hard work, contrary to some people's beliefs.
Right.... Keep telling people that, maybe someone will believe you.

Fact is, lots of people have money simply because they had the right parents and won't ever work hard a day in their life.
uiop, you're a 17 year old kid without a clue.

FYI, I have a Camaro I got at 15 (still have it 11 life experience years later), and I bought myself a 325i when I was a 19 year old chemical engineering student.

Nice try.
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Dear 39% of members on this forum,

These kind of immature, prejudice BS comments piss me off. Would YOU not buy your child nice things if you had the resources to? Didn't think so. Just because you don't have an A4, doesn't mean you should be bitter that someone younger than you does. It's just pure prejudice, nothing but; with the mindset that young people shouldn't have nice things. The excuse of "oh but he's just spoiled and won't ever learn the value of the dollar" will be pulled, and I call utter BS. At some point, his father will no longer support him. You expect him to just be alright with making $35,000 a year, driving an Aveo? No. He'll work his ass off to keep having nice things. And its not just cars, venture into the iPhone forums. People get bent out of shape when a high schooler has an iPhone. Honestly?

I'm 17. Drive an Acura TL. Eternally grateful for it, have no intentions of living a lifestyle that doesn't allow for nice things when I'm older. I'm already working my ass off, starting my own business. My father is a role model to me, and I'm sure many with successful parents can attest to that. Money doesn't simply get put into your pocket without hard work, contrary to some people's beliefs.

Don't compare your lifestyle to others.
Thank you, have a nice day.

Grow up, kid.
uiop, you're a 17 year old kid without a clue.

I have no clue at all. I didn't just drop $900 on my car two weeks ago for maintenance. I don't run my own detailing business to pay for things such as insurance and gas either.

Grow up, kid.

I need to grow up, or the "parents" getting upset with younger people for having nice things need to? Interesting philosophy.
Nope, wouldn't buy my kids (when/if I have them) a car. I would make the offer that I would pay for 50% of the car up to $5k should they have the grades, help out the community, and agree to take some sort of racing course to teach wet/ dry handling when pushing the limits. Also, it would NOT be a sporty car of any sort....Also, if I could, I would have it limited to street legal speeds with some sort of GPS system (which I know are coming out if they have not already)

Shoot, I know what I did in my first 89 Vovlo 240DL.....:eek:

I would however be willing to pay for 100% of something that will further their hobby or interest, such as music, photography, racing rc cars etc. Now, If when I do have kids and can afford to pay for them to get into Karting and move up, sure...I'd pay for that too....

There is something utterly special to a youngster paying 100% for an item that will be their biggest purchase for years, that will hopefully give them the desire to be physically and financially responsible for that item.

I totally agree. If I were a parent, I would not buy my kid a car like that if i had a billion dollars. I am sorry, but teaching a kid compassion, empathy, and helping others less fortunate is much worthier pursuit, IMHO.

I totally agree. If I were a parent, I would not buy my kid a car like that if i had a billion dollars. I am sorry, but teaching a kid compassion, empathy, and helping others less fortunate is much worthier pursuit, IMHO.


I do entirely agree with you on the last part. However, teenagers have been stereotyped to be some wild and crazy monsters with no morals and just go around causing trouble. While many are like that, the type of car one has doesn't influence the way they are as a person. A majority of the teenagers at my school who come from fortunate families are less ostentatious than the ones who don't.

I deeply regret stating in my original post that I was 17. It seems that all respect is lost upon mentioning that. Although I do not have kids and don't ever plan to, I understand society to some degree to formulate my own opinions in regards to parenting.

Although it is unfortunate that this thread has been derailed temporarily, I do not retract my original statement. People need to not be so critical of the morale of others.
Dear 39% of members on this forum,

These kind of immature, prejudice BS comments piss me off. Would YOU not buy your child nice things if you had the resources to? Didn't think so. Just because you don't have an A4, doesn't mean you should be bitter that someone younger than you does. It's just pure prejudice, nothing but; with the mindset that young people shouldn't have nice things. The excuse of "oh but he's just spoiled and won't ever learn the value of the dollar" will be pulled, and I call utter BS. At some point, his father will no longer support him. You expect him to just be alright with making $35,000 a year, driving an Aveo? No. He'll work his ass off to keep having nice things. And its not just cars, venture into the iPhone forums. People get bent out of shape when a high schooler has an iPhone. Honestly?

I'm 17. Drive an Acura TL. Eternally grateful for it, have no intentions of living a lifestyle that doesn't allow for nice things when I'm older. I'm already working my ass off, starting my own business. My father is a role model to me, and I'm sure many with successful parents can attest to that. Money doesn't simply get put into your pocket without hard work, contrary to some people's beliefs.

Don't compare your lifestyle to others.
Thank you, have a nice day.

Kids shouldn't get luxury cars because they haven't earned it. Getting good grades and working hard is not a valid reason a kid can use to justify their parents buying them a luxury car( not that he shouldn't be awarded for getting good grades, but a luxury car is not a proper reward). Great that you're working your ass off, and the reward should be able to afford nice things like your TL(with your money). While the TL has worked for you to keep you motivated, I think you're in the minority.

I grew up in an area with wealthy parents who would buy their kids M3's, AMG's, etc. Overhearing these kids speak when it comes to their cars, they are always talking about how they can get money from daddy and mommy so they could modify their vehicles. They don't talk about working hard to be able to buy the parts, they figure out ways to get the money from daddy. Hell, my own sister is a product of this crap. Want a BMW, Mercedes, Cadillac, etc? BUY IT WITH YOUR OWN MONEY!

Maybe I am not one to speak since my 2007 Saturn Aura XR was bought by my parents and received brand new straight off the truck carrier. But like you, I am grateful that I am damn lucky to have a car like mine. But at the same time, I knew better then to request a BMW, Cadillac, etc for my first car. I didn't deserve it. Even though I had a 3.55 GPA and worked hard to get it, etc. You know my reward was for that? My 17" MBP( and I still put in $1500 of my money for it).

Making $35,000 a year, a vehicle like an Aveo, Cruze, Malibu, etc would not be bad vehicle( ok, maybe the current Aveo is :p) since it would fit their needs and could afford it. If you're making $35,000 a year and you're concerned about being able to afford nice things like a BMW, Mercedes, etc, IMHO you're priorities are not in order. I know when I enter my career field of being a pilot, I won't be concerned being able to afford luxury items at $20,000 a year. I will be concerned about making a living.
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Fact is, lots of people have money simply because they had the right parents and won't ever work hard a day in their life.

I think in most cases, this is more or less it. The kids posting pics of dad's Lambos etc. aren't exactly ever going to have a tough time in their life; mom and dad will *always* be there funneling them support one way or another. Furthermore, if the kids did end up being massive screw ups, the parents would undoubtedly bail them out. But this would probably never happen because the kids will have multi-million dollar inheritances anyway. Make up any sob story they like, but they are taken care of directly or indirectly. None of those kids are shoveling crap to make ends meet, and never will. Even those who say "Oh but I started my own business and work my ass off," OK where did the capital come from? Where did the ability to have the patience while it turns a profit come from knowing you could still pay your bills? At the end of the day, it all hinges on support from the parents; and on that note, it's pretty selfish to lay proclamation to all your success through your own hard work when you had a support network able to meet any demand the entire time. There's nothing inherently wrong with the parents helping them do these things, I think it's fine, but it's when someone comes in and says they did all this hard work on their own to get/do/buy whatever totally on their own, oblivious to the support network that facilitated it that irks me. Sure, I could've even bought MYSELF a $40k car as an 18 year old kid, if I didn't have to buy my own clothes, pay for my own insurance, pay for my own repairs/maintenance, my own socializing, etc. Anyone can buy anything they want when everything else is taken care of. But I digress, as the people in question aren't even buying their own cars at all.

I have no clue at all. I didn't just drop $900 on my car two weeks ago for maintenance. I don't run my own detailing business to pay for things such as insurance and gas either.

And there we have it.

Look dude, you are complaining about derailing the thread, when it is you who did it, and who is late to the party that had already finished. The guy in question was posting pics not just of his A4, but also of two other Benzes and a Maserati that are owned by his dad, and laying claim to them as his weekend cars.

FTR, I'm with you 100% in helping your kids out to get nice things. I never saw the point of making your kids absolutely struggle with junkers and unreliable piles just to teach them the value of working hard and the value of money; if they don't know it by 16 years old already, they probably never will and haven't been raised right up to that point. By then, I hope my kids and I are past that stage and I can be practical with them and get them something decent and reliable with no headaches. I see absolutely nothing wrong with providing your kid with an $8k-$12k car that is 3-4 years old with low miles and the tail end of the warranty still there. But I'm talking about something like a little Mazda 3, or a Honda Civic, or something simple and reliable. I'll go one further and say I'd be willing to go up to about that amount if my kid wanted something like a little older Mustang GT or a Z28 as I'm a car guy through and through, and I'd love to help him modify it as a father/son project. I've had my Camaro 11 years, and still to this day not one scratch nor one ticket with it, so I don't buy into the "young kids are bad drivers" spiel either.

But no 16-18 year old kid needs a $35k+ luxury car handed to them. You can make all the excuses you want to in the world about buying your kids nice things, but you don't need to go $35k deep to do it; your kid can have (and better damn well appreciate) being lucky enough to get a 3-4 year old Mazda 3 to get around reliably.

At the end of the day, when kids are handed high end luxury cars, it has absolutely nothing to do with "rewarding" the kid (for what, good grades in HS? Like that takes more than a quarter ass of effort...), but it has everything to do with the parents keeping up with the Jones' in the neighborhood so they can go "Look what I bought my kid!" "Oh yeah, well look what I bought MY kid!" It's basically nothing more than a parental status circle jerk.
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Getting back on topic








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But no 16-18 year old kid needs a $35k+ luxury car handed to them. You can make all the excuses you want to in the world about buying your kids nice things, but you don't need to go $35k deep to do it; your kid can have (and better damn well appreciate) being lucky enough to get a 3-4 year old Mazda 3 to get around reliably.

My car new was $37K or so. It was purchased four years old/CPO for $18K plus tax. It'll hopefully last for a long time as it is a Honda at heart. :cool:

Speaking of it:


My dad seems to be doing something extremely uncharacteristic and buying me a car.


Hold on. Want a pic of it?



Seriously though, this is kinda cool. It's ex-Duke University, where he works, so it's not like it's expensive. Only in America would someone drive a pedo van daily to save on gas. :eek::p
My dad seems to be doing something extremely uncharacteristic and buying me a car.


Hold on. Want a pic of it?



Seriously though, this is kinda cool. It's ex-Duke University, where he works, so it's not like it's expensive. Only in America would someone drive a pedo van daily to save on gas. :eek::p

What? That's no just your weekend car? :D
How do you use the regular three point belts with those shell seats?

The same way they're used on the stock seats, over the shoulder and in front of the stomach. However, I have harnesses that I use when it's tracked.
I can honestly say your M3 is the best one I have ever seen. It looks better than new!

Thank you

imo, best m3 ever. and i hate chris bangle. nice ride man.

Thank you
New iPhone4 - New Car Pic

-finally got my iPhone 4 yesterday! Here are a couple pics of our new car taken using Hipstamatic & Tiltshift.


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