I agreeThere really is something about the Pixel 2's image processing that makes the results a little more special -- the dynamic range is just unmatched.
Oh but don't head into the iPhone forum, because The Verge, and Nilay specifically, are getting roasted for saying the Pixel 2 has a better camera than the XS.I have always enjoyed camera improvements when upgrading phones but the Pixel 2 is something special.
The Verge/Engadget used to be biased towards Apple and give every product a rating of 9 and never surface blatant short comings.Oh but don't head into the iPhone forum, because The Verge, and Nilay specifically, are getting roasted for saying the Pixel 2 has a better camera than the XS.
Google has nailed the post processing algorithm better than anyone else. I hope they improve on that on the Pixel 3!Oh but don't head into the iPhone forum, because The Verge, and Nilay specifically, are getting roasted for saying the Pixel 2 has a better camera than the XS.
Certain people can't handle it when a brand they love gets (fair) criticism for obvious shortcomings. It is what it is. I have to say, I think I need a tech break. At least from online forums and such. Ive got a device I'm finally fully happy with so not much need to care about anything new, other than just general interest. The constant banter back and forth from both sides over the pettiest things is making me age faster than ever. Folks just can't let other folks be happy.The Verge/Engadget used to be biased towards Apple and give every product a rating of 9 and never surface blatant short comings.
It's good to see that their reviews are less biased. It will be appreciated by readers and advertisers.
Google has nailed the post processing algorithm better than anyone else. I hope they improve on that on the Pixel 3!
I get the same response in real life. When I say the Pixel 2 is widely considered to be the best smartphone camera, even better than the X, people are incredulous. It's an iPhone world we live in.
BTW, diving further into the Verge review, the Pixel 2 XL photos handedly beat the XS'. I didn't think the difference would be that great.
I get the same response in real life. When I say the Pixel 2 is widely considered to be the best smartphone camera, even better than the X, people are incredulous. It's an iPhone world we live in.
BTW, diving further into the Verge review, the Pixel 2 XL photos handedly beat the XS'. I didn't think the difference would be that great.
There are a few other reviews out there with comparison. The Pixel is just ahead overall but noticeably superior with portrait photos.First, let me say I'm not apologizing for Apple or the iPhone. As one of the members here who uses an iPhone more than an Android device, I’m sure that criticism would rain down on me in an instance. I think anyone familiar with me over the years also knows I’m not afraid of leveling harsh criticism against Apple.
Purely going off the photos included in the Verge’s iPhone review, I’m not seeing the photo deficiencies. I honestly picked the photo or side of the slider I liked better before noticing the caption so I had no preformed bias and found the two Pixel 2 photos subpar by comparison. The photo of the guy in the bar has an orange skin tone and blown out highlights all over the place. I also found the photo of the girl to be better on the iPhone (looks washed out and dull on the Pixel 2 version). The Galaxy S9 photo of the dog was much better than the iPhone and of course, the DSLR won the battle of bokeh and shallow depth of field.
I’m admittedly very far from being a photo expert but just using the eyeball test of the samples provided, I don’t see what the Verge sees. Someone help enlighten me.
I completely agree. But it’s the iPhone that has orange skin tones and blown out highlights, with the slider to the left.
[doublepost=1537297902][/doublepost]I screwed up that quoted post. lol
@tbayrgs There are more comparison photos in the video review. With the exception of one or two, the 2 XL photos win out easily. Once again, the dynamic range is what really sets it apart.
Ok, ill have to watch the review again with greater attention..just watched/listened casually earlier. But wouldn’t it make sense to back up the claims with better examples in the text article?
Oh but don't head into the iPhone forum, because The Verge, and Nilay specifically, are getting roasted for saying the Pixel 2 has a better camera than the XS.
Agree. Though I'm sure more comparisons are inbound. We'll have a better picture (heh) in the coming days/weeks. And we'll really know who takes the crown in October when the comparisons begin anew with the Pixel 3.
[doublepost=1537300180][/doublepost]To help, here are the few in particular where the 2 XL beats the XS:
The last two really show off the dynamic range.
It's also funny that The Verge review says the Pixel 2 camera is more "true to life" whereas the XS' is now closer to Samsung's over processing. Wasn't "true to life" the thing iPhone lovers kept saying was most important to them?
The mark of a truly great camera is the one that you don't need any technical knowledge of photography to get a great shot. The best photo I've ever taken in my life was of a co-worker randomly outside on a break with my Pixel 2 XL in just a point and shoot portrait mode test right after I got it. It's actually on his website to this day. The photo was accidentally terrific. Three examples below of just point and shoot with portrait mode. I had no clue what I was actually doing lolI'm clueless in regards to proper framing and technique but will just grab snaps typical of what I'd shoot.
The mark of a truly great camera is the one that you don't need any technical knowledge of photography to get a great shot. The best photo I've ever taken in my life was of a co-worker randomly outside on a break with my Pixel 2 XL in just a point and shoot portrait mode test right after I got it. It's actually on his website to this day. The photo was accidentally terrific. Three examples below of just point and shoot with portrait mode. I had no clue what I was actually doing lol