You will love it and won't go back, be sure to try different blades to see which suit your face. Is that the merkur 38c? I had it and loved it but found it to aggressive (sensitive skin) I now have a mule R89 which I Love!
Latest Purchase: Kent BK8 just have to wait till xmas!
I have only been to Ruths Chris a couple times, but their food is incredible. Easily the best steak I've ever had; and while quite pricey, it was much better than steaks I've had for even twice the price. Never had the ahi there, but I imagine it's delicious. Jealous!
@ Surely, if that is your first Spyderco, be prepared to buy a whole lot more. I've spent way too much money on them myself.
Bought the Pro 600 that was $187 on Amazon today. Not sure if I'll keep it, gift it, or return it.
Even though I cook often, I'm not much into baking. On the other hand, maybe this mixer will make baking seem more enticing to me. Then again, I am broke. Decisions, decisions.
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Couple o' blu-rays.
Plus a bunch of Christmas prezzies.
Not much self-indulgence this Black Friday/Cyber Monday.
My BF birthday gifts & purchases
I had the red 3DS but I saw this and had to exchange mine for it!
Happy hour food is only 5 or 6 bucks. Same with drinks!
It is my first, and yeah, I can see myself starting to collect them. I like the shiny.![]()
I had a Spyderco Delica and didn't like the opening mechanism. I'm a Benchmade guy all the way. Benchmade's Axis mechanism is far superior.
How did you gt the mixer for $187?
I saw those Zelda 3Ds's and was insanely tempted, but alas I decided not to bite. I'd rather spend money on a second New Zealand trip![]()
That Zelda 3DS is amazing! I've been *very* tempted to sell mine and upgrade, but my Ambassador games can't be transferred (yet), and I don't need to compound the fact that I spent $250 on this darn thing just this year any further ;p
I wanna go out of the country one of these days. Just don't know where.![]()