I'm glad Dropbox added support for the dark theme.
I know what you're feelings are regarding Yosemite, but since this tread specifically asks for "Yosemite" screenshots, I think you should oblige.
Two things:
1. File is attached.
2. If anyone else has any HD wallpapers with a black Apple logo on a black background please post them as I am always on the hunt for something better.
Loving GM 1.0!![]()
since this tread specifically asks for "Yosemite" screenshots, I think you should oblige.
There's more to an operating system than desktop backgrounds (especially desktop backgrounds that are not integral to the system).
Please, let's see some shots of multiple apps on screen; multiple apps without Mission Control. If some of those apps have multiple windows, even better.
There are umpteen web sites, umpteen other topics, that are intended for wallpapers.
there's more to an operating system than desktop backgrounds
Myriad lovely desktop backgrounds, but what good is a desktop background when windowing is a mess?
I strongly suspect that some of the changes to the UI were bulldozed through.
How does Yosemite appear when you use it for something other than a desktop background?
Realistic shots more about the operating system's presentation of multiple apps, than about wallpaper will be appreciated.
there are no windows. How does Yosemite appear when you use the apps?
Hint: you can use Preview to select then cut, from a shot, any part that should not be shared publicly.
Any combination of apps. Your choice
Realistic, everyday uses of the Mac that are not polished with other observers in mind. I'm more interested in realism than in tidiness-for-publication.
(The default and dark appearances of the menu bar and Dock are already well-known. A majority of screenshots give no sense of what it's like to really use Yosemite.)
Sorry. I do wish for shots to convey a sense of how people use Yosemite; a few other readers have the same wish.
I see you like the app "Write." It's one of my favorite.![]()
first time running a "beta" software in my entire life haha. This place is getting to me. Seems to be running great though most likely because its a GM
the fastest way to search for web images right from Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, or Opera.
Very happy with mine![]()
Here is a screenshot from my Vivobook X202E. I've been lazy and haven't upgraded to 10.10.1 yet. Now that DockMod works with Yosemite and has the option for a 3d dock with reflections, I'm very happy with the way Yosemite looks. I know, I didn't cross out my serial number. It's fake anyway, so whatever.
Very interesting, I like the ark dock icons...that said, would you be so kind to post the DockMod settings that you are using as I may need to give this a whirl.
I just set everything to black adjusted the opacity to like 80% or so. I made the edge more of a gray color. I also turned the icon reflections up as they aren't get visible by default. I'll check my actual settings later.
Great, look forward to getting the actual settings as it will save a lot of trial and error time...much appreciated...
Very nice! can you post a link for the wallpaper??![]()
You can export the theme itself and share it by right-clicking the theme and choosing Export.
Here is the dock theme file.
Curious, i) how do you get it to switch and ii) what definition of daytime and nighttime do you use...
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions
property picturesFolder : POSIX path of (path to pictures folder)
property picturesNighttime : {picturesFolder & "DSC_0004_2.JPG"}
property picturesDaytime : {picturesFolder & "DSC_0034.JPG", picturesFolder & "Rainy_Blue_Ridge-27527.jpg"}
my themeChanged:(missing value)
tell current application's NSDistributedNotificationCenter's defaultCenter to addObserver:me selector:"themeChanged:" |name|:"AppleInterfaceThemeChangedNotification" object:(missing value)
on themeChanged:theNotification
tell application "System Events" to tell appearance preferences
set {newColor, desktopPictures} to {blue, picturesDaytime}
if dark mode then set {newColor, desktopPictures} to {graphite, picturesNighttime}
set {highlight color, appearance} to {newColor, newColor}
end tell
tell application "System Events" to tell the first desktop to set picture to some item of the desktopPictures
end try
end themeChanged:
on quit
tell current application's NSDistributedNotificationCenter's defaultCenter to removeObserver:me
continue quit
end quit
I let F.Lux activate the Dark Theme after sunset and until sunrise (it figures out the correct time depending on your location) . Additionally i have an AppleScript running in the background that has the option to 'stay open after run handler' enabled and uses ASOC to watch out for the systemwide theme change notification, so that I can set the appropriate desktop background (plus appearance and highlight color) whenever that happens:
Code:use framework "Foundation" use scripting additions property picturesFolder : POSIX path of (path to pictures folder) property picturesNighttime : {picturesFolder & "DSC_0004_2.JPG"} property picturesDaytime : {picturesFolder & "DSC_0034.JPG", picturesFolder & "Rainy_Blue_Ridge-27527.jpg"} my themeChanged:(missing value) tell current application's NSDistributedNotificationCenter's defaultCenter to addObserver:me selector:"themeChanged:" |name|:"AppleInterfaceThemeChangedNotification" object:(missing value) on themeChanged:theNotification try tell application "System Events" to tell appearance preferences set {newColor, desktopPictures} to {blue, picturesDaytime} if dark mode then set {newColor, desktopPictures} to {graphite, picturesNighttime} set {highlight color, appearance} to {newColor, newColor} end tell tell application "System Events" to tell the first desktop to set picture to some item of the desktopPictures end try end themeChanged: on quit tell current application's NSDistributedNotificationCenter's defaultCenter to removeObserver:me continue quit end quit
I have gone for a clean and simple look which to me is very appealing in dark nice thing about this is that this wallpaper looks great on *both* my iPhone and MBA...tell me what you think...