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I have the same feeling which I had with iOS7. It all looks so childish ... We'll get used to it, off course, but it really isn't my style. Not a 'flat design'-fan here.
Thanks. People are simply changing their iTunes icons to the new one, the new iTunes has not yet been released.
I keep doing the opposite; I still have the old music note on a CD icon from iTunes 7 or so, the newer style of icon for iTunes is just so ugly IMO, CDs may be old news, but it looks so much better.
Can you share your wallpaper?


Sure! If you need another size, I got it from under the black and white section I believe ;)


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I try to not be bias. So I have a 32gb iPod touc 4g along with my S3

I never said you were :) I'm just saying that that is how I feel. I know there is an audience for Android so I understand it's existence, I'm just saying I'm not part of that audience.

PS- I own a 32Gb iPod Touch 4th gen, and both iOS and iPhones/iPad's/iPod's have moved a far way since it.
Two questions:

Can someone post a screenshot of what function 'Browse All Versions...' looks like in Yosemite?

What do dictionary bubbles triggered with three-finger tap on the word look like?

The more screen shots I see of Yosemite the more disappointed I am becoming with the direction that Apple is taking in design.

Johnny Ive took the GUI to the edge of lightness with iOS 7 to some degree of success give or take some issues here or there with text an legibility( NOTE: the work with text Kit and dynamic text is pretty impressive). iOS7 is acceptable given it is a first iteration of the Ive GUI paradigm but giving him free reign may be Apple's mistake.

The overall look of Yosemite seems to be fixated on pretty (veering on garish : new Finder icon) without consideration for usability and functionality.

The overuse of transparency in the main application windows (side panes/title bars) is just too much. Looking at the screenshots of Xcode 6 on the page one of this thread makes me cringe. What purpose does the transparency serve. It is a visual distraction. It is just noise and makes the screen elements blur into each other. There is no demarcation or boundaries. iOS 7 purported to be deferential to users content. Yosemite is screaming "Look at me I am your new toy". If anything the new visual cacophony will lead to user fatigue.
Screen-grab from Apple's Yosemite page.

The battery symbol is shorter in length as the screenshots from the beta show it closely resembling the battery symbol in iOS 7.

Also, the wifi symbol appears to be a lot bolder than in the beta screenshots I've seen here.

It seems that things are still being tweaked with.


  • Screen Shot 2014-06-13 at 4.15.56 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2014-06-13 at 4.15.56 PM.png
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Screen-grab from Apple's Yosemite page.

The battery symbol is shorter in length as the screenshots from the beta show it closely resembling the battery symbol in iOS 7.

Also, the wifi symbol appears to be a lot bolder than in the beta screenshots I've seen here.

It seems that things are still being tweaked with.

These are simply the old icons. Look at Time Machine and Bluetooth.
Curious about how apps with a transparent sidebar (Like Mail) look when in Fullscreen mode?

I love the coloration that shines through when windowed with your desktop wallpaper, but since Fullscreen spaces don't have wallpaper, I fear it'll just make it opaque with no colors or anything.


Also, what is under the Extensions section in System Preferences?
Finder smile is TOO! happy
I dont like lol :D


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Something I've always wanted to see happen, that will likely never happen, is for the text entry field in the Save dialog box to be dynamic to the window width. It's been stuck at about 18 characters since 10.0 (and was smaller in the pre-X days). For those of us who name things longer than "Letter to Grandma" this is infuriating (you can never see the full title of a file).
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