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macrumors 68040
Mar 24, 2006
srf4real said:
The vet says he is a Maine Coon . Same white feet and everything! He thinks he is a dog cuz he grew up with my mini poodle.

I posted mine a little while Pud is a bit of everything but the colours (other than the feet) look sort of the same :)


macrumors regular
Mar 23, 2006
xfiftyfour said:
hey! never saw this thread before! glad someone dug it up! here are mine:


our first dog, bailey, as a pup.:)



macrumors newbie
Jul 4, 2006
Cassie. 17-year-old Calico/tabby mix American Shorthair. :) I adore her to bits.




macrumors 68030
Apr 14, 2006
Clemson, SC
the kid 05 said:
looks like my dog annie :) is bailey a jack russle terriar?
no, actually as a pup everyone thought so. we got her from the humane society, so we're not positive.. but we think lab + american bull dog. the pictures don't show it well, but you can see her "stockyness" in real life real well. she's a cutie though. :)


macrumors 6502
Sep 2, 2006
London, UK

My cat about 30 minutes after I found him. The photo on the Dell monitor is exactly how I found him.. meowing right outside my door. Best cat I've ever been around. I'm glad I took him in. :)



macrumors 603
srf4real said:
This is Chomper, a snapper turtle that wandered onto my porch from the canal. He wanted to live in my f/w aquarium!

I don't think that's a Snapping Turtle. It looks like the Painted Turtle, which used to be the common pet. However, there is a concern over salmonella being carried by them, so captivity for pets is outlawed. That doesn't mean you can't have one for 'research' though. :rolleyes: :D


macrumors 6502
Apr 22, 2005
His name is Obi-Wan, and he is endlessly entertaining.. and ridiculously cute.


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macrumors 68040
Jul 25, 2006
paradise beach FL
iSaint said:
I don't think that's a Snapping Turtle. It looks like the Painted Turtle, which used to be the common pet. However, there is a concern over salmonella being carried by them, so captivity for pets is outlawed. That doesn't mean you can't have one for 'research' though. :rolleyes: :D
It is a snapper; three ridges on its back, claws on its feet, pointed beak, and one heck of an appetite for guppies! His neck reaches halfway across his back when he stretches it out. Also in Florida there are no regulations concerning snappers in captivity, however alligator snappers are protected by law. I will be moving him into the pond out back once he gets big enough to crunch off my fingers!


macrumors 601
Oct 21, 2004
Say hi to Barnes and Noble. They are two TN Map Turtles. They say "zup, ya'll". They are making calling noises lately with their little throats which, as I understand, are part of their mating vocalizations. When they were given to us, they were smaller than a half dollar in diameter. Now, they're several half dollars in diameter. :)


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macrumors 65816
Jan 23, 2003
Southern California
Wow, I posted in this thread almost 2 years ago. Back then we had 2 cats, a mouse, and had just gotten our first pug (Bruno, also my avatar). We still have 4 pets, but the cast of players has changed. Since the thread is still somewhat active, I might as well give an update.

First, the bad news. The mouse (Squirt) and one of the cats (Kinder) have passed on. We'll miss them both dearly.

About 4 months ago, we rescued a yellow lab named Sasha. As all labs do, she loves water and fetching. So our trip to the beach a few weeks ago was great fun for her.

(click to enlarge)

Oliver is our newest addition to the family, and our second black pug. We got him from a rescue just under 2 weeks ago.


Here, Bruno and Oliver are sharing a bed:


And here's the whole pack:

Jasmine is still with us, and was recently the inspiration for a little sign I made with the help of CafePress. Her litterbox is in the hall closet, which is accessible to her via a kitty door. I decided it would be fun to make a little sign for it:





macrumors 603
srf4real said:
It is a snapper; three ridges on its back, claws on its feet, pointed beak, and one heck of an appetite for guppies! His neck reaches halfway across his back when he stretches it out. Also in Florida there are no regulations concerning snappers in captivity, however alligator snappers are protected by law. I will be moving him into the pond out back once he gets big enough to crunch off my fingers!

I emailed my brother who's a herp biologist. He thinks it's a Mud or Musk Turtle. Neither of us see the pointed nose or high ridges on the back. Mud turtles have a long neck as well.

Do a Google Image search of all three and do some comparisons and let me know what you think. :) There's lots of sites that help identify out there.

I would love to see him get at some guppies! :D


macrumors 68040
Jul 25, 2006
paradise beach FL
iSaint said:
I emailed my brother who's a herp biologist. He thinks it's a Mud or Musk Turtle. Neither of us see the pointed nose or high ridges on the back. Mud turtles have a long neck as well. :D

Chomper's a little wee baby still... but here's a better view of his nose/jaw structure. He is definitely carniverous! -- by the way, I live in central Florida where snappers are native, l;ike me!


macrumors 68020
Jun 13, 2005
The woman, a veterinarian, says:

"That is not a snapping turtle."

She also says:

"This is a snapping turtle."


She also says:

"This seems questionably legal. If it was taken from the wild."

Which you already said it was.

Vets and reading comprehension, eh?

Now she's babbling about turtle breeders. Nice turtle, anyway.


macrumors 68040
Jul 25, 2006
paradise beach FL
thedude110 said:
The woman, a veterinarian, says:

"That is not a snapping turtle."

She also says:

"This is a snapping turtle."


She also says:

"This seems questionably legal. If it was taken from the wild."

Which you already said it was.

Vets and reading comprehension, eh?

Well, my lucky friend, you may be one of the only of earth's inhabitants to see a hatchling FLORIDA snapper, not to be confused with the common snapper found in most of the rest of the U.S.:) I did my research, although I already know snappers ( we go way back...) and there are no laws concerning FLORIDA snappers in captivity due to them being extremely common in FLORIDA.
And I would like to re-state the facts in this case, the baby snapper came to my back door and was waiting to come inside when I stepped out... he heard about my freshwater tanks, I guess. I said, "come on in, we have plenty of room!"





p.s. Chomper was very pissed that I had to grab him out of his home to take more pics of him and it made several attempts to bite me...:eek: :D
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