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This is Jack. He is a boston terrier.


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not mine, but one of my best friends, she just got him a two days ago... Cedric


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Gunther looks like he's a big cat! His legs look long.

Yes, he's a big boy...two of his favorite activities are waiting under the bird feeder and jumping 4-5 feet in the air.

The other favorite is jumping up in the doorjam and hanging there by his claws, again about 4-5 feet.

Lastly, he's the sweetest cat you'll ever meet...
Cocoapuff (Shetland Pony), Cobra (Arab-Draft Cross), Chloe (mix), Sasha (St. Bernard)


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Does Sasha have any problems walking on that flooring? I'm considering replacing the carpet in the downstairs of my house with wood flooring, but I'm worried my beagle and lab will be sliding every-which-way when they walk. :eek:
Does Sasha have any problems walking on that flooring? I'm considering replacing the carpet in the downstairs of my house with wood flooring, but I'm worried my beagle and lab will be sliding every-which-way when they walk. :eek:

All the dogs and cats I've ever had slide all over the place on wood floors. In the basement we have cork tiles and they have much better traction for the animals. When we replace the carpet upstairs we'll put in cork boards.
Sorry for a bad picture. Anyways, this is my german shepherd Mika, she was about a year and a half in this picture, and closing in on 2 years now.

I don't actually have any pets, but there are several neighbors' cats who like to come and visit. Two of them, Hercules and Terra, have become regulars who hang out here more than they do at their own homes. Er, well, their *other* homes.

Here's a pic of Hercules enjoying the sun...


Sorry, no really good pic of Terra yet. Of course, he is rather skeptical of this whole "post your picture on the Internet" thing, but as soon as I can sneak a photo of him, I will...
Here's Boris in the Christmas tree!

I'll get a shot when he's relaxing in the top next!


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Scolopendra sp.

This is my new pet as of today :D

A friend's dad found it in his yard, and he was kind enough to keep it for me instead of killing it. It's quite big, and once I get it settled in the terrarium I'm making for it I plan to get some better pics.

*lighter shown for size comparison. And no, I don't smoke, I use it to light bunsen burners in the lab :)


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this is my old dog Ripley, who was put down about 3,5 years ago. Such a great, loving and playful dog but sadly had started having mental issues.....
I moved out of my mom's and this summer her and my sister had a new dog...say hi to Maise....if you wonder about her personality think about Lady in Lady and the tramp, she is such a damzel hehe..but super cute and the biggest attention seeker in the world.


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My new puppies, first day home! Let the spoiling and long nights begin :rolleyes:


Just under 6 weeks old Cocker Spaniels!!!
Buff one is Cessna(like the plane, hints the screen name) and the Black one is Solomon.
This is my new pet as of today :D

A friend's dad found it in his yard, and he was kind enough to keep it for me instead of killing it. It's quite big, and once I get it settled in the terrarium I'm making for it I plan to get some better pics.

*lighter shown for size comparison. And no, I don't smoke, I use it to light bunsen burners in the lab :)

OMG that thing is SCARY looking! I don't think I could have resisted the urge to squish it. I'd have probably wet myself just seeing it.

Suzie: my 3 year old rabbit beagle.

And we have... well I call her sh*tty kitty, but her official name is "Cupcake". What a gay ass name... she looks more like a snickers bar than a damn cupcake. Oh well, i didn't name her.

OMG that thing is SCARY looking! I don't think I could have resisted the urge to squish it. I'd have probably wet myself just seeing it.


Hehe, the normal reaction (so far) is fear, not thinking about squishing it! It's about 20 cm long, venomous and very fast. I think it's awesome!

I'm still trying to find a name that fits, any suggestions?

I finished the terrarium (for now), here are two more pics:

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