It's not as great as some of the ones on this thread, but I'm still pretty happy with it. Haven't came across anything that actually takes advantage of this speed yet.
comcast, their service sucks, but when it works right its screaming. even rewired our house (fraternity house) so everyone can take advantage of the full speed.
Nothing to brag about...except when you've been using satellite internet for the last 10 years, LOL. As you probably know, satellite sucks. It's better than dial-up, though (which was our only two choices until recently).
We just got a new system installed this past weekend. It uses radio waves & doesn't have the lag/downtime problems associated with satellite. And it's not only faster, it's much cheaper.
People who live in the sticks will know what I mean. I feel for anybody who has to suffer using subpar internet just because of where they live. The worst part about satellite is the cap (17 GB monthly). My family & I are very thankful this new company came along. It almost puts us in the "new age".
Not Zen's fault. I have another Zen line that gets full speed. The weak point here is the local highly contended BT exchange through which everything must pass.
If I wait until 3am I'll get the full 7.1mbit/s ADSL that I'm paying for. But, I want to watch TV online now.