From the Speak Easy site:
Last Result:
Download Speed: 717 kbps (89.6 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 131 kbps (16.4 KB/sec transfer rate)
The rate is true, I know because I just timed a download of an episode of the office and then did some math to figure out it downloaded at 88 kb/sec from iTunes, taking about 47 minutes. OUCH.
I have Verizon DSL, the less expensive one that is supposed to be 768 kbps.
I always took that to mean that if you had a source that was really that fast, you could download at 768 kbps. I don't quite understand how this test result is saying that I basically get what I am paying for--rating it at 717 kbps, only slightly less than advertised, while still downloading at 89.6 KB/sec, which I always thought was my download speed based on the source availability (ie, iTunes couldn't give me more data per second, not that I couldn't handle it).
Could someone explain the distinction between kbps and KB/sec to me? Thanks so much.