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Arlington, VA Yesterday :(


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$4 a gallon? Hilarious.
1.61€ = $2.386/Liter. $9.031 per US gallon. And that's 95RON EuroSuper, which equals the US' premium/supreme (91AKI).

EuroSuper Plus 98RON/94AKI is $9.365 a gallon - and there is 100/102RON Shell V-Power Racing/Aral Ultimate, which comes near $8/gallon.

The prices are mostly due "eco taxes", which make about 40% of the price.

To my knowledge, this is the cheapest gas station in town. I'll give you Shell tomorrow, I guess there is something on the "menu" beyond $10, as the prices are rising really fast recently.

Only good thing here is that the sunset in the picture looks nice.
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This is mostly due taxes. If you Americans wondered how Europeans actually pay health care and other nice things, here you go. Officially the taxes on the gas are called "Eco taxes" though.

Sorry but health care is paid by your health care taxes, that come off your gross income. You don't pay those at the gas station! :rolleyes:

What makes gas prices in the EU that high are VAT (which is considerably higher in the EU) and energy taxes.
The eco taxes you mentioned are actually only a small part of the energy taxes (they were introduced to reduce CO2 emissions and to decrease the taxes for annuity insurance). Who knows where the rest of the energy tax goes...
Sorry but health care is paid by your health care taxes, that come off your gross income. You don't pay those at the gas station! :rolleyes:

What makes gas prices in the EU that high are VAT (which is considerably higher in the EU) and energy taxes.
The eco taxes you mentioned are actually only a small part of the energy taxes (they were introduced to reduce CO2 emissions and to decrease the taxes for annuity insurance). Who knows where the rest of the energy tax goes...
Actually, it's 43.3% plus VAT in Germany.
If the gas price is 1.50€, the gas itself is worth 0.61€, 0.65€ are eco taxes, plus 19% VAT of both gas and tax makes 1.50€.

And "healthcare and other nice things" are arguable, that's why I took it out. However, as mentioned, no one knows where the money goes, as you would use it 100% to build walls to decrease noise pollution and plant trees for CO2 neutrality, you'd have a lot of walls and trees. However, the money has to go anywhere, and I doubt that it has anything to do with cars or their emissions at all.

The reason for this kind of tax is really strange though: In the eyes of the politicians, oil was too cheap, and they know that it's limited - the prices will rise and at some point will gas will be not cheap enough. Here's the hilarious point: They put the tax on top of the oil price so "smoothen" the raise and are investing this tax into the development of cars that consume less gasoline.

Car manufacturers came up with that during the oil crisis in the 70ies themselves. And now I have to fund them by paying them as much as I pay the Sheik who delivers the oil.

I mean, did anyone pay Chevrolet to develop and build the Volt? No, and they did anyways.

Edit: It might not be health care, but look at this:

Year/Income from the eco tax in millions of Euro/That went into federal retirement assicuration/that funded renewable energies.

Well, might not be healthcare. I mostly pay grandpa's retirement though: And this should be considered as the one of the "other nice things".
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I'm in North Carolina, around the Winston-Salem area gas stations are about to hit 4 bucks. My dad came back from Charlotte and there was already 4 dollar gas there.
The gas prices in my area have went up $.50 since i last posted on this thread and i thought that was high... Now i want them to go back to that haha
its $1.43 per litre in Vancouver, which works out to $5.40 per gallon in US measurements. effing ridiculous
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Exactly! And this is why I'm really getting fed up with this whole situation. I find myself using the bicycle more and more for the short trips to work and such.

My 2010 BMW X5 needs it's own personal gasstation already and with this prices:eek:. .. Well, I'll leave it at my house if I don't need it.

Sure I knew it was an expensive car to drive (I've had Q7's etc before). But this really bothers me.

Remember, US citizens tend to drive further than people in Europe.

The stats are hard to get accurately, but the average UK driver covers about 9500 miles a year, whereas the average US driver covers 13500 miles.

On top of that, European cars have better fuel efficiency than US ones.

So Americans pay less per litre, but buy more of them.

Why are a lot of Brits dissatisfied with their salaries when there are people starving in Africa? Why do you complain about 20% VAT on your Apple laptop (you = impersonal) when in many countries you wouldn't be able even to consider purchasing one?

It's called perspective. We evaluate our circumstances based off of accumulated experience. To someone accustomed to paying $2.75/gallon, $4.00 understandably seems like a lot of money. They don't care or take into consideration how much you pay in Europe, just as you (or most people, more generally) don't care or take into consideration how many people £1500 could help when you purchase your next computer.
we had it at 40 cents for about 4 hours a couple days ago ;)
it was at a Rudy's bbq from closing till about 2 or 3 in the morning :D




We here in the Netherlands span the crown.

We have the highest gas prices in the world.

I pay 1,69€ per liter, which equals 2,38$ per liter.

Or, about 9 $ per US gallon. Even with our better fuel economy cars, this is a LOT.

That's why I ride a motorcycle to work. Two cylinders for extra sweet fuel economy :D I do about 25 km per liter.
We here in the Netherlands span the crown.

We have the highest gas prices in the world.

I pay 1,69€ per liter, which equals 2,38$ per liter.

Or, about 9 $ per US gallon. Even with our better fuel economy cars, this is a LOT.

That's why I ride a motorcycle to work. Two cylinders for extra sweet fuel economy :D I do about 25 km per liter.

I don't blame ya at all, that's crazy. Sigh, I miss when I was a lot younger and gas was only about $1.25 per gallon and everyone complain about that! My grandpa says he misses 25 cents a gallon...
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