Yeah I got a pair on Amazon for $50 they do sound nice, build quality could be better, but the sound is great for the money
I need some new cans. Probably gonna go with the P5s.
Wife got me a pair for my birthday a few weeks ago.Best pair of headphones I've ever used, absolutely incredible.
Well, I have posted my warm recommendations on the P5s a few times already on this thread.
For what it is worth, I bought mine in late summer 2011 when about to go abroad for a few months; quite literally, since then, they have travelled the world with me, and are a permanent feature of my desk, or my briefcase everywhere I go, and have been used more or less daily.
I love mine (and I write as someone who loves music, and has spent a disgraceful sum of money over the years on headphones); they are easily the best and most comfortable headphones I have ever owned. Their build quality is superb, (all that leather and steel) and the quality of the sound is warm and consistently excellent, as the bass does not overwhelm you but has more than sufficient depth.
In addition, I love the small footprint - these are not monstrous, which makes them extremely portable.
Are these the new studio Wireless? If so how do you like them and what is a sweet price?
I would like a pair for work, and I haven't found anything that is wireless and has similar battery life. The bose come close, but these appeal more to me.
Yeah I got a pair on Amazon for $50 they do sound nice, build quality could be better, but the sound is great for the money
Beats Mixr
Don't care what the rep for the brand is, I've tried tons and tons of headphones in the $150-250 range and these won.
Are these circumaural or supra-aural? Also have you tried the ATH-M50s?
Supra, and yes I have!
Thanks for the details. Surpa instantly killed it for me. My ears do not take kindly to being clamped. You have a good set of headphones that you compared these to. Nice.
This isn't my image, but these are the exact kind I have. I originally got them for my Lumia 920, but they work great for my iPhone 5s as well. They're bluetooth, which has really spoiled me. Way more convenient than wires, although you can connect them that way too if you're trying to get a little more sound out of them.
The big thing, though, really IS the sound. The "real headphones" I've owned are the Sennheiser HD595, Shure SRH840, Audio Technica A700, Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro 80, plus I've tried out others like the M50. All excellent. But I am an unabashed bass head. I listen to tons of death metal and hip hop, and wanted a set that can keep up with those songs when the sub-bass really pounds. Out of those, the M50 and A700 (hey, go Audio Technica!) did the best, but neither quite did it like I wanted it.
I've been using the RHA MA750i for a few days now and are really loving these.
None of the cans you listed besides the M50's (M50 are ok but nothing special) are decent basshead cans.
I agree based on what my ears told me, but with the DT770's in particular I was told they're very bass heavy. The A700's were also fairly full. The only ones I haven't tried thus far are the V-Moda M100's and I don't think I'll go that route because I don't like over-ear phones, regardless of how badass they do look, and people have told me the on-ear M80's aren't nearly as bassy.
Did you fully burn in all your cans before auditioning them properly? I say this because the sound can change dramatically after a few weeks use, ive hated some of my cans when i first got them then after a few weeks of burning in the great reviews start to make sense. All i will say is once you listen to a decent set of bassy cans like the Denon D7000's or Ultrasone Pro 900's you will wonder why you ever listened to those beats. Personally i think beats are overpriced and sound low/mid tier at best, but thats just my opinion.