I know they are overpriced but for $130 shipped I couldn't tell myself not to do it.
*not my pic obv
$130 shipped from where?
I know they are overpriced but for $130 shipped I couldn't tell myself not to do it.
*not my pic obv
$130 shipped from where?
They are refurbished but they look brand new (minus box and cleaning cloth) and have a 30 day warranty. Looks like the price just jumped to $199 today.
My 50 year old mother said she wants a pair for christmas to match her iPhone![]()
They are refurbished but they look brand new (minus box and cleaning cloth) and have a 30 day warranty. Looks like the price just jumped to $199 today.
My 50 year old mother said she wants a pair for christmas to match her iPhone![]()
They are refurbished but they look brand new (minus box and cleaning cloth) and have a 30 day warranty. Looks like the price just jumped to $199 today.
My 50 year old mother said she wants a pair for christmas to match her iPhone![]()
I was watching this exact site and missed out as well. Hopefully we see some different models or lower prices added again soon!
You are saying nothing is cosmetically or functionally wrong at all with the refurb?
Not a mark on them. Even had the clear sticker to show how to insert the batteries. Both cords also looked to be brand new as well. I am in no way an audiofile so to my untrained ears they sound really nice. You also have 30 days to return for a full refund if you end up not liking them or something is wrong.
Edit: They did not come with the box, cleaning cloth or instructions.
I wonder how it would be with refurbished in ears.. I guess I have to buy new caps for the inears..
Can anyone recommend any indestructible and affordable in ears? (I'M DESPERATE!)
have you tried the UE superfi5's, if so any comparisons? I have these headphones currently but they leave me wanting more it seems...
Would you guys prefer a straight plug jack or a angled jack?
Im getting a Hd25 wondering which plug should i be getting.
Please help.
Straight. Angled doesn't work with all cases.
UE 18 ProsMy ears are spoiled.
I just got these last month. Love them so far.
Sooooo jealous. Nicely done sir!
Really?! I gave them a quick listen at the Apple Store the other day and found them to be far too bright for me. Maybe I should give them another try. I certainly like the look of them and the build quality felt great. I guess another trip the the Apple Store is in order...
And here are mine... Etymotic HF3's with custom ear molds from my wife for Christmas. I'm very happy with them so far. I'm mulling over grabbing a Fiio E7/E9 combo and I think that will eventually precipitate the purchase of some higher end IEM's or cans, not sure which yet.
angled. the straight ones i've used break easier and place more strain on the jack.
Really, ive hear some ppl say the straight has more durability . I cant decide which ones to get grrrr.