Beats will sound good compared to iPod ear buds or Skullcandy. Beats compared to other headphones made by Sennhesier, Klipsch, Sony, etc. will not.I find them really good for sound quality.
Beats will sound good compared to iPod ear buds or Skullcandy. Beats compared to other headphones made by Sennhesier, Klipsch, Sony, etc. will not.I find them really good for sound quality.
I've had these beauties for about 18 months now. Still great sounding, really comfortable and light (for the bulk, that is).Image
I really don't like the red accents, but otherwise, they are great.
I just use the standard set that came with my iPhone.
Those are earbuds. Kinda impossible to tell what they are because they're in his ear rather than over them.
I know they are overpriced but for $130 shipped I couldn't tell myself not to do it.
*not my pic obv
Any input on Shure over/on ear headphones?
I'm looking for a good headset that is not super expensive, but also sounds great (who isn't though...)
I'm looking at these models:
Shure SRH440
Shure SRH240
Klipsch Image ONE Premium
I had some UrbanEars Plattans that were OK, but they hurt my ears after 20-30 minutes or so
I was wondering what everybody's thoughts were for a high end pair of in-ear headphones. I'm really looking for something that cancels noise, comfortable, gym worthy.
Are the custom audiophile types worth the money?
People seem to talk alot about UE, Etymotic, Shure. Others here and there. I just want to make sure if I dump the money they'll last and live up to the price. I've read reviews that would disagree with some of the options out there.
Personal thoughts?
I'm using a set of Grado RS-1s and a set of AKG K701s; HeadRoom Ultra Micro Amp and HeadRoom Micro DAC, separate Astrodyne power supply for each.
The Grados are great for in-your-face rock; I like the AKGs for symphonic music: it's got a great, wide "soundstage" ...