Chick Fil A is good, but I stopped eating there after learning about their large corporate donations to hate groups like Focus on the Family and how they fired an employee for being Muslim.
I ran out and needed to get more.
*coughs, then sneezes*
thats crazy. i can never find good deals on craigslist. best deal that i am considering right now is a g4 cube with 17" studio display for $200
Grabbed this blu-ray 3-pack for $49.99. Already watched Devil Wears Prada tonight
I bought it primarly as a portrait lens. I was using my 50, which effectively is more like 75mm, but it never performed like a true 75mm. Meaning you get the basic magnification without all the other goodies of a true prime. That said, the 90mm was smooth. I found it to be quite fast with the focus. Now, as a macro lens it'll be used in MF mode. The barrel zoom is about 2 inches, which is a lot for a barrel to move in and out on a macro lens. Probably less so on the Nikon 105mm for twice the price.
I have to admit, this is a good lens. When buying it I told the retailer that I was not interested in flooding my bag with cheap lenses any longer. While I started with some true gems in the film age, as I moved to digital it became price over anything. This is just wrong and I know better. The guy told me that if money were no object (meaning I said I was prepared to pay 2x for the Nikon 105mm) then he would still get the Tamron. I found that interesting because he only knows me for someone to come in, spit out exactly what I want, lay down the cash and walk out. I don't doddle.
As a prime it is great. It served me well the next day doing headshots. I found the bokeh to be nice and smooth, it handled a low-contrast cloudy day very well. I can't complain. I've tried a couple of test macros out but nothing significant.
My only complaint, if it even is one, is that it does focus slightly slower. It is so insignificant though that I can't really tell. If it were searching for a long time (like a 100mm prime I have from vivitar [another diamond in the rough]) then yeah, I'd be pissed.
Why haven't you posted a picture of your new 50D
What did you have before you bought the 50D and how are you liking the upgrade? I have a 450D which I am really enjoying using at the moment but would not rule out swapping it out for a 40D or a 50D in the not too distant future.
18-200mm...lens of choice
oh god my credit card!
Wait until you see them playing alongside Less Than JakeI bought a ticket to DropKick Murphys...and it was AMAZING
yesterday i both myself some mojitos...
but this here is maybe more interessting...
Intel SSD Flash 80GB X25-M
I couldnt really test it, but the MacBook Pro boots twice as fast, as the HDD (7200) version..
^^ umm yeah. Chick-fil-a pretty much stands on its own. A couple of pickles and that's it. McDonalds actually made some attempt to do this, it is not bad and in a pinch it's decent. Fact is, if you can go to McDonalds and order something off the menu without having to alter any part of it then you're golden. Somehow every chicken sandwich I have ordered before from there with no mayo came with extra mayo. Their mayo is disgusting.
So chicken + pickle + bread = yum!